The Job Dispatcher at EMBL-EBI offers free access to a range of bioinformatics tools and biological datasets through its web and programmatic interfaces. It also powers various popular sequence analysis services hosted at the EMBL-EBI, including InterProScan, UniProt, and Ensembl Genomes.

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ReleasesDataset updates for November 2024

The latest dataset releases are available for sequence searching in our Sequence Similarity Search bioinformatics applications and Dbfetch.

ReleasesDataset updates for October 2024

The latest dataset releases are available for sequence searching in our Sequence Similarity Search bioinformatics applications and Dbfetch.

Major Collaborators

We work with several service teams within and outside the EBI, some of which are listed here. Our collaborations with data resource teams provide sequence similarity searches against various core databases such as UniProt, PDBe, ENA, etc.

How to cite

To cite Job Dispatcher, please refer to the following publication:

Madeira F, Madhusoodanan N, Lee J, Eusebi A, Niewielska A, Tivey ARN, Lopez R, Butcher S. (2024)
The EMBL-EBI Job Dispatcher sequence analysis tools framework in 2024
Nucleic Acids Research, April 10, 2024; doi: 10.1093/nar/gkae241

Europe PMC: 38597606

Version: 2.2.0+c7444cc7