Whole Genome Metabolism - Azotobacter vinelandii (strain DJ / ATCC BAA-1303)

Model Identifier
Short description
Whole Genome Metabolism of "Azotobacter vinelandii (strain DJ / ATCC BAA-1303)"
This is a whole genome metabolism model of Azotobacter vinelandii (strain DJ / ATCC BAA-1303).
This model has been automatically generated by the SuBliMinaL Toolbox and libAnnotationSBML using information coming from from KEGG (release 66, April 2013, accessed via the resource's web services interface) and, where relevant, augmented with metabolic pathway information extracted from MetaCyc (version 17.0, March 2013).
This model has been produced by the path2models project and is currently hosted on BioModels Database and identified by: BMID000000141677 .
Other models with the same genus include BMID000000021907 BMID000000021908 BMID000000021909 BMID000000021910 BMID000000021911 BMID000000021912 BMID000000021913 BMID000000021914 BMID000000021915 BMID000000021916 BMID000000021917 BMID000000021918 BMID000000021919 BMID000000021920 BMID000000021921 BMID000000021922 BMID000000118158 BMID000000118159 BMID000000118160 BMID000000118161 BMID000000118162 BMID000000118163 BMID000000118164 BMID000000118165 BMID000000118166 BMID000000118167 BMID000000118168 BMID000000118169 BMID000000118170 BMID000000118171 BMID000000118172 BMID000000118173 BMID000000118174 BMID000000118175 BMID000000118176 BMID000000118177 BMID000000118178 BMID000000118179 BMID000000118180 BMID000000118181 BMID000000118182 BMID000000118183 BMID000000118184 BMID000000118185 BMID000000118186 BMID000000118187 BMID000000118188 BMID000000118189 BMID000000118190 BMID000000118191 BMID000000118192 BMID000000118193 BMID000000118194 BMID000000118195 BMID000000118196 BMID000000118197 BMID000000118198 BMID000000118199 BMID000000118200 BMID000000118201 BMID000000118202 BMID000000118203 BMID000000118204 BMID000000118205 BMID000000118206 BMID000000118207 BMID000000118208 BMID000000118209 BMID000000118210 BMID000000118211 BMID000000118212 BMID000000118213 BMID000000118214 BMID000000118215 BMID000000118216 BMID000000118217 BMID000000118218 BMID000000118219 BMID000000118220 BMID000000118221 BMID000000118222 BMID000000118223 BMID000000118224 BMID000000118225 BMID000000118226 BMID000000118227 BMID000000118228 BMID000000118229 BMID000000118230 BMID000000118231 BMID000000118232 BMID000000118233 BMID000000118234 BMID000000118235 BMID000000118236 BMID000000118237 BMID000000118238 BMID000000118239 BMID000000118240 BMID000000118241 BMID000000118242 BMID000000118243 BMID000000118244 BMID000000118245 BMID000000118246 BMID000000142427 .
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public domain worldwide. Please refer to CC0 Public Domain Dedication for more information.
Related Publication
  • Path2Models: large-scale generation of computational models from biochemical pathway maps.
  • Finja Büchel, Nicolas Rodriguez, Neil Swainston, Clemens Wrzodek, Clemens Wrzodek, Tobias Czauderna, Roland Keller, Florian Mittag, Michael Schubert, Mihai Glont, Martin Golebiewski, Martijn van Iersel, Sarah Keating, Matthias Rall, Michael Wybrow, Henning Hermjakob, Michael Hucka, Douglas B Kell, Wolfgang Müller, Pedro Mendes, Andreas Zell, Claudine Chaouiya, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Falk Schreiber, Camille Laibe, Andreas Dräger, Nicolas Le Novère
  • BMC systems biology , 11/ 2013 , Volume 7 , pages: 116 , PubMed ID: 24180668
Submitter of the first revision: Path2Models project
Submitter of this revision: Path2Models project
Curator: Path2Models project

Metadata information

is (1 statement)
BioModels Database BMID000000141677

isDescribedBy (1 statement)
PubMed 19429624

occursIn (1 statement)
isDerivedFrom (1 statement)

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