CHEBI:18176 - 2-coumaric acid

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name 2-coumaric acid
Definition A monohydroxycinnamic acid in which the hydroxy substituent is located at C-2 of the phenyl ring.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Secondary ChEBI IDs CHEBI:1151, CHEBI:19633, CHEBI:19517
Supplier Information
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Formula C9H8O3
Net Charge 0
Average Mass 164.15802
Monoisotopic Mass 164.04734
InChI InChI=1S/C9H8O3/c10-8-4-2-1-3-7(8)5-6-9(11)12/h1-6,10H,(H,11,12)
SMILES [H]C(=Cc1ccccc1O)C(O)=O
Roles Classification
Chemical Role(s): Bronsted acid
A molecular entity capable of donating a hydron to an acceptor (Bronsted base).
(via oxoacid )
Biological Role(s): plant metabolite
Any eukaryotic metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in plants, the kingdom that include flowering plants, conifers and other gymnosperms.
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ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing 2-coumaric acid (CHEBI:18176) has role plant metabolite (CHEBI:76924)
2-coumaric acid (CHEBI:18176) is a coumaric acid (CHEBI:23401)
2-coumaric acid (CHEBI:18176) is conjugate acid of 2-coumarate (CHEBI:11594)
Incoming cis-2-coumaric acid (CHEBI:28873) is a 2-coumaric acid (CHEBI:18176)
trans-2-coumaric acid (CHEBI:18125) is a 2-coumaric acid (CHEBI:18176)
2-coumarate (CHEBI:11594) is conjugate base of 2-coumaric acid (CHEBI:18176)
3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoic acid
Synonyms Sources
2-Hydroxycinnamate KEGG COMPOUND
2-hydroxycinnamic acid ChemIDplus
3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)acrylic acid ChEBI
Registry Numbers Types Sources
2207352 Reaxys Registry Number Reaxys
2207352 Beilstein Registry Number Beilstein
583-17-5 CAS Registry Number ChemIDplus
583-17-5 CAS Registry Number NIST Chemistry WebBook
Citations Waiting for Citations Types Sources
24248866 PubMed citation Europe PMC
24868863 PubMed citation Europe PMC
IND43878326 Agricola citation Europe PMC
IND44077244 Agricola citation Europe PMC
Last Modified
28 May 2024