CHEBI:53729 - divinyl sulfone

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name divinyl sulfone
Definition A sulfone compound having two S-vinyl substituents.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Secondary ChEBI IDs CHEBI:373213
Supplier Information
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Formula C4H6O2S
Net Charge 0
Average Mass 118.15400
Monoisotopic Mass 118.00885
InChI InChI=1S/C4H6O2S/c1-3-7(5,6)4-2/h3-4H,1-2H2
Roles Classification
Application(s): cross-linking reagent
A reagent with two reactive groups, usually at opposite ends of the molecule, that are capable of reacting with and thereby forming bridges between macromolecules, principally side chains of amino acids in proteins, allowing the locations of naturally reactive areas within the proteins to be identified.
View more via ChEBI Ontology
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing divinyl sulfone (CHEBI:53729) has role cross-linking reagent (CHEBI:50684)
divinyl sulfone (CHEBI:53729) is a sulfone (CHEBI:35850)
Synonyms Sources
(CH2=CH)2SO2 NIST Chemistry WebBook
1,1'-Sulphonylbisethene NIST Chemistry WebBook
1-(Vinylsulfonyl)ethylene NIST Chemistry WebBook
Bis(ethenyl)sulfone ChemIDplus
Divinyl sulphone ChemIDplus
Ethenesulfonyl-ethene ChEMBL
Vinyl sulfone ChemIDplus
vinyl sulphone ChEBI
Registry Numbers Types Sources
1071329 Reaxys Registry Number Reaxys
558721 Gmelin Registry Number Gmelin
77-77-0 CAS Registry Number NIST Chemistry WebBook
77-77-0 CAS Registry Number ChemIDplus
Citations Waiting for Citations Types Sources
11696055 PubMed citation Europe PMC
12639572 PubMed citation ChEMBL
23842569 PubMed citation Europe PMC
24299766 PubMed citation Europe PMC
Last Modified
22 July 2014