ENSG00000101138 (CSTF1)

homo sapiens

cleavage stimulation factor subunit 1

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Homo sapiens
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Showing 1 experiment:
image/svg+xml human body features 2009-05-27 Sjef text : Kevin (tsaitgaist) REDON http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Human_body_features.svg cerebral cortex pleura brain heart breast thyroid gland adrenal gland lymph node bone marrow adipose tissue skeletal muscle leukocyte frontal cortex temporal lobe prefrontal cortex pituitary gland atrial appendage aorta coronary artery gastroesophageal junction left ventricle hippocampus hippocampus caecum ileum rectum nose tongue left atrium pulmonary valve mitral valve penis vas deferens seminal vesicle testis epididymis eye nasal septum oral cavity tonsil nasal pharynx lung spinal cord amygdala trachea throat bronchus tricuspid valve diaphragm liver stomach spleen duodenum gall bladder pancreas colon small intestine appendix smooth muscle urinary bladder prostate gland nerve cerebellum cerebellar hemisphere kidney renal cortex bone cartilage esophagus salivary gland parotid gland submandibular gland skin
Created with Highcharts 6.2.0adrenal glandanterior cingulate cortexatrium auricular regioncaudate nucleuscerebellumcervical vertebracortex of kidneyendocervixesophagus mucosafrontal cortexhippocampusileumlower leg skinmammary glandmuscle layer of esophagusomental fat padpancreasprostate glandrenal medullaskeletal muscle tissuespleensubcutaneous adipose tissuesuprapubic skinthyroid glandtibial nerveurinary bladdervagina
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Gene ontology
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Design element
L02547_at, 1477_at, g4557490_3p_at, 16915015, 4865642_3p_at, 3890160, ILMN_1735185, ILMN_1758339, 8063484, 3890167, 3890168, 3890165, 3890166, 11741029_x_at, 3890163, 3890164, 3890162, 202190_at, 11739099_a_at, ILMN_2236714, ILMN_1682198, 3890170, 3890171, 3890156, 3890178, 3890157, 3890179, 202190_PM_at, 3890176, 32723_PM_at, g4557490_3p_s_at, 11758689_s_at, 3890174, 3890175, A_23_P362824, 3890172, 11739100_a_at, 3890173, 32723_at, 3890158, 3890159
Reactome pathway ID