2a07 Citations

Structure of the forkhead domain of FOXP2 bound to DNA.

Structure 14 159-66 (2006)
Cited: 129 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 16407075


FOXP (FOXP1-4) is a newly defined subfamily of the forkhead box (FOX) transcription factors. A mutation in the FOXP2 forkhead domain cosegregates with a severe speech disorder, whereas several mutations in the FOXP3 forkhead domain are linked to the IPEX syndrome in human and a similar autoimmune phenotype in mice. Here we report a 1.9 A crystal structure of the forkhead domain of human FOXP2 bound to DNA. This structure allows us to revise the previously proposed DNA recognition mechanism and provide a unifying model of DNA binding for the FOX family of proteins. Our studies also reveal that the FOXP2 forkhead domain can form a domain-swapped dimer, made possible by a strategic substitution of a highly conserved proline in conventional FOX proteins with alanine in the P subfamily. Disease-causing mutations in FOXP2 and FOXP3 map either to the DNA binding surface or the domain-swapping dimer interface, functionally corroborating the crystal structure.

Reviews - 2a07 mentioned but not cited (3)

Articles - 2a07 mentioned but not cited (16)

  1. Functional exploration of the adult ovarian granulosa cell tumor-associated somatic FOXL2 mutation p.Cys134Trp (c.402C>G). Benayoun BA, Caburet S, Dipietromaria A, Georges A, D'Haene B, Pandaranayaka PJ, L'Hôte D, Todeschini AL, Krishnaswamy S, Fellous M, De Baere E, Veitia RA. PLoS One 5 e8789 (2010)
  2. Alternative splicing and gene duplication in the evolution of the FoxP gene subfamily. Santos ME, Athanasiadis A, Leitão AB, DuPasquier L, Sucena E. Mol Biol Evol 28 237-247 (2011)
  3. Bispecific Forkhead Transcription Factor FoxN3 Recognizes Two Distinct Motifs with Different DNA Shapes. Rogers JM, Waters CT, Seegar TCM, Jarrett SM, Hallworth AN, Blacklow SC, Bulyk ML. Mol Cell 74 245-253.e6 (2019)
  4. Three-Dimensional Domain Swapping Changes the Folding Mechanism of the Forkhead Domain of FoxP1. Medina E, Córdova C, Villalobos P, Reyes J, Komives EA, Ramírez-Sarmiento CA, Babul J. Biophys J 110 2349-2360 (2016)
  5. FOXP2 variation in great ape populations offers insight into the evolution of communication skills. Staes N, Sherwood CC, Wright K, de Manuel M, Guevara EE, Marques-Bonet T, Krützen M, Massiah M, Hopkins WD, Ely JJ, Bradley BJ. Sci Rep 7 16866 (2017)
  6. Structure-based prediction of transcription factor binding specificity using an integrative energy function. Farrel A, Murphy J, Guo JT. Bioinformatics 32 i306-i313 (2016)
  7. β-catenin regulates FOXP2 transcriptional activity via multiple binding sites. Richter G, Gui T, Bourgeois B, Koyani CN, Ulz P, Heitzer E, von Lewinski D, Burgering BMT, Malle E, Madl T. FEBS J 288 3261-3284 (2021)
  8. Characterization of a recurrent missense mutation in the forkhead DNA-binding domain of FOXP1. Johnson TB, Mechels K, Anderson RH, Cain JT, Sturdevant DA, Braddock S, Pinz H, Wilson MA, Landsverk M, Roux KJ, Weimer JM. Sci Rep 8 16161 (2018)
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  10. The influence of various regions of the FOXP2 sequence on its structure and DNA-binding function. Thulo M, Rabie MA, Pahad N, Donald HL, Blane AA, Perumal CM, Penedo JC, Fanucchi S. Biosci Rep 41 BSR20202128 (2021)
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  15. DNA facilitates heterodimerization between human transcription factors FoxP1 and FoxP2 by increasing their conformational flexibility. Coñuecar R, Asela I, Rivera M, Galaz-Davison P, González-Higueras J, Hamilton GL, Engelberger F, Ramírez-Sarmiento CA, Babul J, Sanabria H, Medina E. iScience 26 107228 (2023)
  16. Single-molecule optical tweezers reveals folding steps of the domain swapping mechanism of a protein. Bustamante A, Rivera R, Floor M, Babul J, Baez M. Biophys J 120 4809-4818 (2021)

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  5. Forkhead transcription factors: key players in health and disease. Benayoun BA, Caburet S, Veitia RA. Trends Genet 27 224-232 (2011)
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  19. Molecular windows into speech and language disorders. Fisher SE. Folia Phoniatr Logop 59 130-140 (2007)
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