
X-ray diffraction
2.02Å resolution

Crystal structure of Cg10062 inactivated by (S)-oxirane-2-carboxylate

Source organism: Corynebacterium glutamicum
Entry authors: Guo Y, Robertson BA, Hackert ML, Whitman CP

Function and Biology Details

Biochemical function:
  • not assigned
Biological process:
  • not assigned
Cellular component:
  • not assigned

Structure analysis Details

Assembly composition:
homo trimer (preferred)
Entry contents:
1 distinct polypeptide molecule
Tautomerase cis-CaaD-like domain-containing protein Chain: A
Molecule details ›
Chain: A
Length: 148 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 17.2 KDa
Source organism: Corynebacterium glutamicum
Expression system: Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)
  • Canonical: Q8NU77 (Residues: 2-149; Coverage: 99%)
Gene name: Cgl0062
Sequence domains: Putative oxalocrotonate tautomerase enzyme
Structure domains: Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor

Ligands and Environments

No bound ligands
1 modified residue:

Experiments and Validation Details

Entry percentile scores
X-ray source: RIGAKU RU200
Spacegroup: P321
Unit cell:
a: 49.435Å b: 49.435Å c: 80.175Å
α: 90° β: 90° γ: 120°
R R work R free
0.169 0.166 0.236
Expression system: Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)