Reviews - 1hz3 mentioned but not cited (3)
- Amyloid beta: structure, biology and structure-based therapeutic development. Chen GF, Xu TH, Yan Y, Zhou YR, Jiang Y, Melcher K, Xu HE. Acta Pharmacol Sin 38 1205-1235 (2017)
- Probing protein aggregation using discrete molecular dynamics. Sharma S, Ding F, Dokholyan NV. Front Biosci 13 4795-4808 (2008)
- Alzheimer's disease--a panorama glimpse. Zhao LN, Lu L, Chew LY, Mu Y. Int J Mol Sci 15 12631-12650 (2014)
Articles - 1hz3 mentioned but not cited (16)
- On the nucleation of amyloid beta-protein monomer folding. Lazo ND, Grant MA, Condron MC, Rigby AC, Teplow DB. Protein Sci 14 1581-1596 (2005)
- Monomer adds to preformed structured oligomers of Abeta-peptides by a two-stage dock-lock mechanism. Nguyen PH, Li MS, Stock G, Straub JE, Thirumalai D. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104 111-116 (2007)
- Influence of preformed Asp23-Lys28 salt bridge on the conformational fluctuations of monomers and dimers of Abeta peptides with implications for rates of fibril formation. Reddy G, Straub JE, Thirumalai D. J Phys Chem B 113 1162-1172 (2009)
- Plasticity of influenza haemagglutinin fusion peptides and their interaction with lipid bilayers. Vaccaro L, Cross KJ, Kleinjung J, Straus SK, Thomas DJ, Wharton SA, Skehel JJ, Fraternali F. Biophys J 88 25-36 (2005)
- Effects of All-Atom Molecular Mechanics Force Fields on Amyloid Peptide Assembly: The Case of Aβ16-22 Dimer. Man VH, He X, Derreumaux P, Ji B, Xie XQ, Nguyen PH, Wang J. J Chem Theory Comput 15 1440-1452 (2019)
- MMPBSA decomposition of the binding energy throughout a molecular dynamics simulation of amyloid-beta (Abeta(10-35)) aggregation. Campanera JM, Pouplana R. Molecules 15 2730-2748 (2010)
- Simulation study on the disordered state of an Alzheimer's beta amyloid peptide Abeta(12 36) in water consisting of random-structural, beta-structural, and helical clusters. Ikebe J, Kamiya N, Ito J, Shindo H, Higo J. Protein Sci 16 1596-1608 (2007)
- Unfolding of the amyloid β-peptide central helix: mechanistic insights from molecular dynamics simulations. Ito M, Johansson J, Strömberg R, Nilsson L. PLoS One 6 e17587 (2011)
- Combinatorial engineering of dextransucrase specificity. Irague R, Tarquis L, André I, Moulis C, Morel S, Monsan P, Potocki-Véronèse G, Remaud-Siméon M. PLoS One 8 e77837 (2013)
- Effects of ligands on unfolding of the amyloid β-peptide central helix: mechanistic insights from molecular dynamics simulations. Ito M, Johansson J, Strömberg R, Nilsson L. PLoS One 7 e30510 (2012)
- In silico and in vitro studies to elucidate the role of Cu2+ and galanthamine as the limiting step in the amyloid beta (1-42) fibrillation process. Hernández-Rodríguez M, Correa-Basurto J, Benitez-Cardoza CG, Resendiz-Albor AA, Rosales-Hernández MC. Protein Sci 22 1320-1335 (2013)
- PDB_Amyloid: an extended live amyloid structure list from the PDB. Takács K, Varga B, Grolmusz V. FEBS Open Bio 9 185-190 (2019)
- Varied Probability of Staying Collapsed/Extended at the Conformational Equilibrium of Monomeric Aβ40 and Aβ42. Song W, Wang Y, Colletier JP, Yang H, Xu Y. Sci Rep 5 11024 (2015)
- Analysis of conformational variation in macromolecular structural models. Srivastava SK, Srivastava SK, Gayathri S, Manjasetty BA, Gopal B. PLoS One 7 e39993 (2012)
- Synthesis and in silico evaluation of 1N-methyl-1S-methyl-2-nitroethylene (NMSM) derivatives against Alzheimer disease: to understand their interacting mechanism with acetylcholinesterase. Kannan M, Manivel P, Geetha K, Muthukumaran J, Rao HS, Krishna R. J Chem Biol 5 151-166 (2012)
- Molecular mechanisms of amyloid-β peptide fibril and oligomer formation: NMR-based challenges. Hiroaki H. Biophys Physicobiol 20 e200007 (2023)
Reviews citing this publication (16)
- Amyloid β Protein and Alzheimer's Disease: When Computer Simulations Complement Experimental Studies. Nasica-Labouze J, Nguyen PH, Sterpone F, Berthoumieu O, Buchete NV, Coté S, De Simone A, Doig AJ, Faller P, Garcia A, Laio A, Li MS, Melchionna S, Mousseau N, Mu Y, Paravastu A, Pasquali S, Rosenman DJ, Strodel B, Tarus B, Viles JH, Zhang T, Zhang T, Wang C, Derreumaux P. Chem Rev 115 3518-3563 (2015)
- The chemistry of Alzheimer's disease. Rauk A. Chem Soc Rev 38 2698-2715 (2009)
- Amyloid-beta aggregation. Finder VH, Glockshuber R. Neurodegener Dis 4 13-27 (2007)
- From Alzheimer to Huntington: why is a structural understanding so difficult? Temussi PA, Masino L, Pastore A. EMBO J 22 355-361 (2003)
- FTIR spectroscopic imaging of protein aggregation in living cells. Miller LM, Bourassa MW, Smith RJ. Biochim Biophys Acta 1828 2339-2346 (2013)
- Structure and function of amyloid in Alzheimer's disease. Morgan C, Colombres M, Nuñez MT, Inestrosa NC. Prog Neurobiol 74 323-349 (2004)
- Protein aggregation processes: In search of the mechanism. Frieden C. Protein Sci 16 2334-2344 (2007)
- Aβ42 and Aβ40: similarities and differences. Qiu T, Liu Q, Chen YX, Zhao YF, Li YM. J Pept Sci 21 522-529 (2015)
- Structure-function relationships of pre-fibrillar protein assemblies in Alzheimer's disease and related disorders. Rahimi F, Shanmugam A, Bitan G. Curr Alzheimer Res 5 319-341 (2008)
- Transient dynamics of Aβ contribute to toxicity in Alzheimer's disease. Hubin E, van Nuland NA, Broersen K, Pauwels K. Cell Mol Life Sci 71 3507-3521 (2014)
- The role of molecular simulations in the development of inhibitors of amyloid β-peptide aggregation for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Lemkul JA, Bevan DR. ACS Chem Neurosci 3 845-856 (2012)
- Disrupting self-assembly and toxicity of amyloidogenic protein oligomers by "molecular tweezers" - from the test tube to animal models. Attar A, Bitan G. Curr Pharm Des 20 2469-2483 (2014)
- Insights into the Molecular Mechanisms of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases with Molecular Simulations: Understanding the Roles of Artificial and Pathological Missense Mutations in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Related to Pathology. Coskuner-Weber O, Uversky VN. Int J Mol Sci 19 E336 (2018)
- The underexplored question of β-amyloid monomers. Copani A. Eur J Pharmacol 817 71-75 (2017)
- Implications of protein structure instability: from physiological to pathological secondary structure. Sukhanova A, Poly S, Shemetov A, Bronstein I, Nabiev I. Biopolymers 97 577-588 (2012)
- Structural biology of cell surface receptors implicated in Alzheimer's disease. Hermans SJ, Nero TL, Morton CJ, Gooi JH, Crespi GAN, Hancock NC, Gao C, Ishii K, Markulić J, Parker MW. Biophys Rev 14 233-255 (2022)
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- Identification and characterization of key kinetic intermediates in amyloid beta-protein fibrillogenesis. Kirkitadze MD, Condron MM, Teplow DB. J Mol Biol 312 1103-1119 (2001)
- Solution structure of the Alzheimer amyloid beta-peptide (1-42) in an apolar microenvironment. Similarity with a virus fusion domain. Crescenzi O, Tomaselli S, Guerrini R, Salvadori S, D'Ursi AM, Temussi PA, Picone D. Eur J Biochem 269 5642-5648 (2002)
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- The Alzheimer's peptides Abeta40 and 42 adopt distinct conformations in water: a combined MD / NMR study. Sgourakis NG, Yan Y, McCallum SA, Wang C, Garcia AE. J Mol Biol 368 1448-1457 (2007)
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- The alpha-to-beta conformational transition of Alzheimer's Abeta-(1-42) peptide in aqueous media is reversible: a step by step conformational analysis suggests the location of beta conformation seeding. Tomaselli S, Esposito V, Vangone P, van Nuland NA, Bonvin AM, Guerrini R, Tancredi T, Temussi PA, Picone D. Chembiochem 7 257-267 (2006)
- Kinetic studies of amyloid beta-protein fibril assembly. Differential effects of alpha-helix stabilization. Fezoui Y, Teplow DB. J Biol Chem 277 36948-36954 (2002)
- Abeta42 is more rigid than Abeta40 at the C terminus: implications for Abeta aggregation and toxicity. Yan Y, Wang C. J Mol Biol 364 853-862 (2006)
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- Elucidation of amyloid beta-protein oligomerization mechanisms: discrete molecular dynamics study. Urbanc B, Betnel M, Cruz L, Bitan G, Teplow DB. J Am Chem Soc 132 4266-4280 (2010)
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- Conformational transition of amyloid beta-peptide. Xu Y, Shen J, Luo X, Zhu W, Chen K, Ma J, Jiang H. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102 5403-5407 (2005)
- Amyloid beta-protein monomer structure: a computational and experimental study. Baumketner A, Bernstein SL, Wyttenbach T, Bitan G, Teplow DB, Bowers MT, Shea JE. Protein Sci 15 420-428 (2006)
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- Comparing atomistic molecular mechanics force fields for a difficult target: a case study on the Alzheimer's amyloid β-peptide. Gerben SR, Lemkul JA, Brown AM, Bevan DR. J Biomol Struct Dyn 32 1817-1832 (2014)
- Molecular mechanism of misfolding and aggregation of Aβ(13-23). Lovas S, Zhang Y, Yu J, Lyubchenko YL. J Phys Chem B 117 6175-6186 (2013)
- A strategy for designing a peptide probe for detection of β-amyloid oligomers. Hu Y, Su B, Kim CS, Hernandez M, Rostagno A, Ghiso J, Kim JR. Chembiochem 11 2409-2418 (2010)
- Disordered binding of small molecules to Aβ(12-28). Convertino M, Vitalis A, Caflisch A. J Biol Chem 286 41578-41588 (2011)
- Structure and stability of the lamin A tail domain and HGPS mutant. Qin Z, Kalinowski A, Dahl KN, Buehler MJ. J Struct Biol 175 425-433 (2011)
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- Misfolding of the amyloid beta-protein: a molecular dynamics study. Flöck D, Colacino S, Colombo G, Di Nola A. Proteins 62 183-192 (2006)
- Probing the origins of increased activity of the E22Q "Dutch" mutant Alzheimer's beta-amyloid peptide. Massi F, Straub JE. Biophys J 81 697-709 (2001)
- The Alzheimer beta-amyloid (Abeta(1-39)) dimer in an implicit solvent. Anand P, Nandel FS, Hansmann UH. J Chem Phys 129 195102 (2008)
- Free-energy landscape of a chameleon sequence in explicit water and its inherent alpha/beta bifacial property. Ikeda K, Higo J. Protein Sci 12 2542-2548 (2003)
- Structural and dynamical analysis of the hydration of the Alzheimer's beta-amyloid peptide. Massi F, Straub JE. J Comput Chem 24 143-153 (2003)
- Thermodynamically stable amyloid-β monomers have much lower membrane affinity than the small oligomers. Sarkar B, Das AK, Maiti S. Front Physiol 4 84 (2013)
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- Two disaccharides and trimethylamine N-oxide affect Abeta aggregation differently, but all attenuate oligomer-induced membrane permeability. Qi W, Zhang A, Good TA, Fernandez EJ. Biochemistry 48 8908-8919 (2009)
- Amyloid peptide Aβ40 inhibits aggregation of Aβ42: evidence from molecular dynamics simulations. Viet MH, Li MS. J Chem Phys 136 245105 (2012)
- Critical roles of key domains in complete adsorption of Aβ peptide on single-walled carbon nanotubes: insights with point mutations and MD simulations. Jana AK, Jose JC, Sengupta N. Phys Chem Chem Phys 15 837-844 (2013)
- Discriminating early stage A{beta}42 monomer structures using chirality-induced 2DIR spectroscopy in a simulation study. Zhuang W, Sgourakis NG, Li Z, Garcia AE, Mukamel S. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107 15687-15692 (2010)
- Simulations of monomeric amyloid β-peptide (1-40) with varying solution conditions and oxidation state of Met35: implications for aggregation. Brown AM, Lemkul JA, Schaum N, Bevan DR. Arch Biochem Biophys 545 44-52 (2014)
- Turn nucleation perturbs amyloid β self-assembly and cytotoxicity. Doran TM, Anderson EA, Latchney SE, Opanashuk LA, Nilsson BL. J Mol Biol 421 315-328 (2012)
- Characterization of the Influence of Semen-Derived Enhancer of Virus Infection on the Interaction of HIV-1 with Female Reproductive Tract Tissues. Allen SA, Carias AM, Anderson MR, Okocha EA, Benning L, McRaven MD, Kelley ZL, Lurain J, Veazey RS, Hope TJ. J Virol 89 5569-5580 (2015)
- Alzheimer's Abeta40 studied by NMR at low pH reveals that sodium 4,4-dimethyl-4-silapentane-1-sulfonate (DSS) binds and promotes beta-ball oligomerization. Laurents DV, Gorman PM, Guo M, Rico M, Chakrabartty A, Bruix M. J Biol Chem 280 3675-3685 (2005)
- The early stages of amyloid formation: biophysical and structural characterization of human calcitonin pre-fibrillar assemblies. Avidan-Shpalter C, Gazit E. Amyloid 13 216-225 (2006)
- A folding transition underlies the emergence of membrane affinity in amyloid-β. Nag S, Sarkar B, Chandrakesan M, Abhyanakar R, Bhowmik D, Kombrabail M, Dandekar S, Lerner E, Haas E, Maiti S. Phys Chem Chem Phys 15 19129-19133 (2013)
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- Structural Changes of Amyloid Beta in Hippocampus of Rats Exposed to Ozone: A Raman Spectroscopy Study. Rivas-Arancibia S, Rodríguez-Martínez E, Badillo-Ramírez I, López-González U, Saniger JM. Front Mol Neurosci 10 137 (2017)
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- Folding thermodynamics of model four-strand antiparallel beta-sheet proteins. Jang H, Hall CK, Zhou Y. Biophys J 82 646-659 (2002)
- Observation of multi-step conformation switching in beta-amyloid peptide aggregation by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Kim J, Lee M. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 316 393-397 (2004)
- Intrinsic thermal expansivity and hydrational properties of amyloid peptide Abeta42 in liquid water. Brovchenko I, Burri RR, Krukau A, Oleinikova A, Winter R. J Chem Phys 129 195101 (2008)
- Plant isoquinoline alkaloids as potential neurodrugs: A comparative study of the effects of benzo[c]phenanthridine and berberine-based compounds on β-amyloid aggregation. Marasco D, Vicidomini C, Krupa P, Cioffi F, Huy PDQ, Li MS, Florio D, Broersen K, De Pandis MF, Roviello GN. Chem Biol Interact 334 109300 (2021)
- Thermodynamics and stability of a beta-sheet complex: molecular dynamics simulations on simplified off-lattice protein models. Jang H, Hall CK, Zhou Y. Protein Sci 13 40-53 (2004)
- Dual effects of familial Alzheimer's disease mutations (D7H, D7N, and H6R) on amyloid β peptide: correlation dynamics and zinc binding. Xu L, Chen Y, Wang X. Proteins 82 3286-3297 (2014)
- Hydrogen exchange studies on Alzheimer's amyloid-beta peptides by mass spectrometry using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization and electrospray ionization. Kraus M, Bienert M, Krause E. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 17 222-228 (2003)
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- Dynamic properties of pH-dependent structural organization of the amyloidogenic beta-protein (1-40). Rubinstein A, Lyubchenko YL, Sherman S. Prion 3 31-43 (2009)
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