Introduction to EMBL-EBI Bioinformatics Resources - Beijing, China


  Monday 28 October 2013


Holly Foster

Registration closed


This workshop provides an overview of the services provided by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), covering several data resources and the research they support. The event is a mix of lectures, discussion and practical sessions drawing on case studies using public data.
The practical session explores functional genomics data resources, covering search, retrieval and interpretation of data from Ensembl, ArrayExpress and the Gene Expression Atlas.
Our workshop concludes with a discussion of key opportunities and challenges in the field.


This course is aimed at a general scientists audience working within the SBM including both research scientists (professors, group leaders, principle investigators, PostDocs and bioinformaticians etc.) and students (postgraduate and undergraduate).

Tools and Resources

During this event you will learn about:

  • Genomics : EBI search and Ensembl browsing
  • Transcriptomics: ArrayExpress and Gene Expression Atlas


Time Topic Trainer
Day 1 - 28 October 2013
10:00 Overview of the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute; The Hub for Bioinformatics in Europe Jing Su
11:00 Questions and Answers Jing Su
12:00 Lunch break  
13:00 An Introduction to the EBI Resources: EBI Search and Ensembl Quick Tour Jing Su
14:30 Coffee Break  
14:45 An Introduction to the EBI Resources: Functional Genomics Jing Su
16:15 Coffee Break  
16:30 Open Discussion Jing Su
17:00 Feedback and close of event