Molecular Phylogenetics


  Monday 16 December 2013


Holly Foster

Registration closed


The course will provide training for bench-based biologists to use molecular data to construct and interpret phylogenies, and test their hypotheses. Delegates will gain hands-on practice of using a variety of programs freely available online and commonly used in molecular studies, interspersed with some lectures.


This course is aimed at bench-based biologists with limited or no knowledge of the field of molecular evolution and with some experience of examining DNA/protein sequence data.

Syllabus, Tools and Resources

During this course you will learn about…

  • Features of phylogenies (trees) and clade support
  • Data interpretation
  • Methods of phylogenetic reconstruction: distance-based, maximum likelihood
  • Hypothesis testing and tree support: model comparison including testing for positive selection, non-parametric bootstrap

What will I learn?

After this course you should be able to…

  • Interpret analyses in their biological context
  • Use some freely available software to conduct phylogenetic analyses
  • Use appropriate statistics to test hypotheses and draw conclusions
  • Discuss some advantages and limitations of alternative molecular analyses


Time Topic Trainer
Day 1 - 16 December 2013- Molecular Phylogenetics
09:00 Introduction to course and EBI Laura Emery
09:30 What are trees?
Tree thinking test I
Laura Emery
11:00 Tea/coffee break  
11:30 Interpreting phylogenies
Tree thinking test II
Laura Emery
12:30 Lunch  
13:30 Newick format Asif Tamuri
14:15 Visualising trees Asif Tamuri
15:00 Tea/coffee break  
15:30 Evolving sequences activity Nick Goldman
16:00 An introduction to alignment Laura Emery
16:30 Distance-based methods for tree reconstruction Laura Emery
17:30 Close  
Day 2 - 17 December 2013 - Molecular Phylogenetics
09:00 Phylogenetic methods I (Tree estimation) Nick Goldman
10:30 Tea/coffee break  
11:00 Constructing phylogenies practical session Asif Tamuri 
12:30 Lunch  
13:30 Statistical thinking for hypothesis testing Nick Goldman 
15:00 Tea/coffee break  
15:30 Hypothesis testing practical Kevin Gori
17:30 Close  
Day 3 - 18 December 2013 - Molecular Phylogenetics
09:00 Phylogenetic methods II (Tree support) Nick Goldman
11:00 Tea/coffee break  
11:30 Constructing phylogenies practical session II Nick Goldman
12:30 Lunch  
13:30 Hypothesis testing to detect positive selection Asif Tamuri
15:00 Tea/coffee break  
15:30 Detecting positive selection practical Asif Tamuri
17:00 Q&A session and course feedback Laura Emery