Interactions & Pathways - Reactome - Cambridge, UK


  Friday 24 January 2014


University of Cambridge - Downing Site, Cambridge,  CB2 3AR, United Kingdom


First come, first served


Holly Foster

Registration closed

Course Overview

This workshop will introduce open-source tools for creating, representing and analysing molecular interaction data. Practical sessions will explore the Reactome pathway database, showing participants how to navigate molecular reactions and the pathways they form.



The course is aimed to biologists wanting to learn the basics of working with molecular interaction data. No previous knowledge of molecule interactions or experience with Reactome is required.

Learning outcomes

After this course you should be able to:

  • Identify the types of data, and data formats, found in molecular interaction databases
  • Select and apply tools for basic network analysis
  • Use Reactome to undertake network analysis


Time Topic Trainer
Day 1 - 24 January 2014
13:30 Introduction to Reactome pathways database Steve Jupe
14:00 Reactome practical Steve Jupe
15:00 Break  
15:30 The Reactome Functional Interaction Network Steve Jupe
17:00 Course Feedback and End of workshop