Introduction to EBI Resources - Cambridge, UK


  Wednesday 22 January 2014


University of Cambridge - Downing Site, Cambridge,  CB2 3AR, United Kingdom


First come, first served


Holly Foster

Registration fee: 


Registration closed

Course Overview

An introduction the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute. The workshop will introduce ways to navigate the website, search EBI database resources and access useful information and metadata. It will also highlight additional resources such as Train Online.


The workshop is aimed at PhD, post-doctoral researchers and principle investigators working in wet-lab biology. Participants who are looking for a basic introduction to the bioinformatics resources offered by the EBI and want to know more about accessing and submitting biological data.

Learning outcomes

After this course you should be able to…

  • Navigate the EBI website to locate tools, databases and resources of interet
  • Utilize EBI Search to locate relevant data and information
  • Follow hyperlinks through various resources to access additional information
  • Relate examples and use cases back to participant’s own research
  • Know how to contact the EBI Helpdesk and access Train Online materials


Time Topic Trainer
Day 1 - 22 January 2014
13:30 Welcome Dave Judge
13:35 Introduction the EBI Sarah Morgan/Tom Hancocks 
14:00 Introduction to EBI databases Sarah Morgan/Tom Hancocks
14:30 Introduction to EBI Search Sarah Morgan/Tom Hancocks
15:00 Break  
15:30 Practical exercises, worked examples and discussions Sarah Morgan/Tom Hancocks
16:30 Feedback and end of workshop