EMBL-EBI: Interactions & Pathways - Reactome


  Tuesday 28 February 2017


University of Cambridge - Downing Site, Cambridge,  CB2 3AR, United Kingdom

Application opens: 

Friday 16 December 2016

Application deadline: 

Monday 27 February 2017


First come, first served


Louisa Bellis

Registration fee: 

This course is free to University of Cambridge students, but charges will apply for other participants.

Registration closed

Course Overview

This workshop will give an introduction to the Reactome pathway database website and analysis tools, using short presentations and practical hands-on exercises. The session will also explain where to learn more, get help, and how to become involved in adding more pathway information to Reactome.



This workshop is aimed at researchers who want to learn about pathways or identify pathways relevant to a set of molecules.  No previous experience of bioinformatics is required, but an undergraduate level knolwedge of Biology would be an advantage.


  • interactions-and-pathways

Learning outcomes

After this course you should be able to:

  • Navigate the Reactome Pathway browser, search pathways and understand pathway diagrams
  • Find proteins or compounds represented in Reactome
  • Extend Reactome pathways with protein-protein or protein-compound interactions from relevant databases or with your own interactions data
  • Map your own lists of genes, proteins, or compounds to Reactome pathways and identifying the pathways that are over-represented
  • Visualise pathway expression levels using your own microarray or protein dataset 


Time Topic Trainer
Day 1 - Tuesday 28 February 2017
09:00 Introduction to Reactome pathways database Steve Jupe
  Reactome practical Steve Jupe
  The Reactome Functional Interaction Network Steve Jupe
11:45 Course Feedback and End of workshop  Steve Jupe