GO annotations


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41,519 annotations
Gene ProductSymbolQualifierGO TermOriginal GO termEvidenceReferenceWith / FromTaxonAssigned ByAnnotation ExtensionDateNameSynonymTypeInteracting taxon
UniProtKB:A0A010QLF5 CFIO01_09415 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000118 1445577 Colletotrichum fioriniae PJ7 TreeGrafter 20241218 Protoheme IX farnesyltransferase, mitochondrial CFIO01_09415 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A010QVL5 CFIO01_06366 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000120 1445577 Colletotrichum fioriniae PJ7 UniProt 20241216 Cytochrome oxidase assembly protein CFIO01_06366 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A010S0G4 HK44_001790 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000002 1042209 Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44 InterPro 20241216 Cytochrome B561 HK44_001790 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011MPU3 ctaA involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000120 1454000 Candidatus Accumulibacter sp. SK-11 UniProt 20241216 Heme A synthase ctaA,AW07_03303 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011MSH4 ctaA_2 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000002 1454001 Candidatus Accumulibacter adjunctus InterPro 20241216 Heme A synthase ctaA_2,AW08_03157 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011NM70 ctaA_1 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000120 1454001 Candidatus Accumulibacter adjunctus UniProt 20241216 Heme A synthase ctaA_1,ctaA,AW08_03156 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011NQQ3 ctaA_2 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000120 1454005 Candidatus Accumulibacter sp. BA-94 UniProt 20241216 Heme A synthase ctaA_2,ctaA,AW12_03105 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011NX00 ctaA involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000120 1454003 Candidatus Accumulibacter appositus UniProt 20241216 Heme A synthase ctaA,AW10_02153 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011P5D9 AW11_01061 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000002 522306 Accumulibacter regalis InterPro 20241216 Cytochrome oxidase assembly protein AW11_01061 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011PLF0 AW12_03104 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000002 1454005 Candidatus Accumulibacter sp. BA-94 InterPro 20241216 Cytochrome oxidase assembly protein AW12_03104 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011PQH4 AW12_01625 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000002 1454005 Candidatus Accumulibacter sp. BA-94 InterPro 20241216 Cytochrome oxidase assembly protein AW12_01625 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011PRV6 ctaA involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000120 522306 Accumulibacter regalis UniProt 20241216 Heme A synthase ctaA,AW11_01059 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011PS83 AW10_02154 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000002 1454003 Candidatus Accumulibacter appositus InterPro 20241216 Cytochrome oxidase assembly protein AW10_02154 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011Q0R4 AW07_03304 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000002 1454000 Candidatus Accumulibacter sp. SK-11 InterPro 20241216 Cytochrome oxidase assembly protein AW07_03304 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011QJY7 ctaA_1 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000120 1454005 Candidatus Accumulibacter sp. BA-94 UniProt 20241216 Heme A synthase ctaA_1,ctaA,AW12_01626 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011TX96 ctaA involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000120 69279 Aquamicrobium defluvii UniProt 20241216 Heme A synthase ctaA,BG36_03050,DES43_10972 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011TXH7 AS96_13445 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000002 1451261 Microbacterium sp. MRS-1 InterPro 20241216 Cytochrome oxidase assembly protein AS96_13445 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A011V371 ctaA involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000120 529 Brucella anthropi UniProt 20241216 Heme A synthase ctaA,F9K89_18835,F9L06_21230 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A013VTU1 ctaA involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000120 1461752 Sphingobium sp. Ant17 UniProt 20241216 Heme A synthase ctaA,BF95_10430 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A014LSF7 Z951_08470 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000002 1158056 Streptomyces sp. PRh5 InterPro 20241216 Cytochrome B561 Z951_08470 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A014MMK3 AX13_05435 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000002 1457173 Comamonas aquatica DA1877 InterPro 20241216 Cytochrome oxidase assembly protein AX13_05435 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A015IZK9 RirG_159430 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000120 1432141 Rhizophagus irregularis (strain DAOM 197198w) UniProt 20241216 Cox15p RirG_159430 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A015LBU9 RirG_026620 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000118 1432141 Rhizophagus irregularis (strain DAOM 197198w) TreeGrafter 20241218 Protoheme IX farnesyltransferase, mitochondrial RirG_026620 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A016QNW9 DEIPH_ctg037orf0015 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000002 1476583 Deinococcus phoenicis InterPro 20241216 Cytochrome oxidase assembly DEIPH_ctg037orf0015 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:A0A016TEL4 Acey_s0107.g3789 involved_in
heme A biosynthetic process
GO_REF:0000120 53326 Ancylostoma ceylanicum UniProt 20241216 Cytochrome oxidase assembly protein Acey_s0107.g3789,Acey-T06D8.5,Y032_0107g3789 PROTEIN
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