GO annotations


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20 annotations
Gene ProductSymbolQualifierGO TermOriginal GO termEvidenceReferenceWith / FromTaxonAssigned ByAnnotation ExtensionDateNameSynonymTypeInteracting taxon
UniProtKB:O02720 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9615 Canis lupus familiaris UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB PROTEIN
UniProtKB:O02750 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9598 Pan troglodytes UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB PROTEIN
UniProtKB:P00519 ABL1 involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
9606 Homo sapiens ParkinsonsUK-UCL has_input (UniProtKB:Q05655) 20160125 Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 ABL1,ABL,JTK7 PROTEIN
UniProtKB:P41159 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
9606 Homo sapiens UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB,OBS PROTEIN
UniProtKB:P41160 Lep involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 10090 Mus musculus UniProt 20151211 Leptin Lep,Ob PROTEIN
UniProtKB:P50595 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9913 Bos taurus UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB,OBS PROTEIN
UniProtKB:P50596 Lep involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 10116 Rattus norvegicus UniProt 20151211 Leptin Lep,Ob PROTEIN
UniProtKB:Q1XG29 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9642 Ursus thibetanus UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB PROTEIN
UniProtKB:Q257X2 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9925 Capra hircus UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB PROTEIN
UniProtKB:Q28504 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9544 Macaca mulatta UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB PROTEIN
UniProtKB:Q28603 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9940 Ovis aries UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB PROTEIN
UniProtKB:Q29406 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9823 Sus scrofa UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB,OBS PROTEIN
UniProtKB:Q5J732 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 89462 Bubalus bubalis UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB PROTEIN
UniProtKB:Q706D0 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9711 Halichoerus grypus UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB PROTEIN
UniProtKB:Q706D1 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9720 Phoca vitulina UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB PROTEIN
UniProtKB:Q95189 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9595 Gorilla gorilla gorilla UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB PROTEIN
UniProtKB:Q95234 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9600 Pongo pygmaeus UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB PROTEIN
UniProtKB:Q9N2C1 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9685 Felis catus UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB PROTEIN
UniProtKB:Q9TU09 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9796 Equus caballus UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB PROTEIN
UniProtKB:Q9XSW9 LEP involved_in
activation of protein kinase C activity
GO_REF:0000024 9301 Sminthopsis crassicaudata UniProt 20151211 Leptin LEP,OB PROTEIN
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