This term is obsolete.

GO:0002776 JSON

antimicrobial peptide secretion

Biological Process

Definition (GO:0002776 GONUTS page)

The regulated release of an antimicrobial peptide from a cell or a tissue. Such peptides may have protective properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa. PMID:11807545 PMID:15638771

90 annotations

Ancestor Chart

Ancestor chart for GO:0002776
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Ancestor chart

Child Terms

This table lists all terms that are direct descendants (child terms) of GO:0002776

Child Term Relationship to
antibacterial peptide secretion
positive regulation of antimicrobial peptide secretion
negative regulation of antimicrobial peptide secretion
antifungal peptide secretion
regulation of antimicrobial peptide secretion

Taxon Constraints

The use of this term should conform to the following taxon constraints:

Ancestor GO ID Ancestor GO Term Name Relationship Taxon ID Taxon Reference(s)
GO:0002776 antimicrobial peptide secretion Never in Taxon 4895 Schizosaccharomyces

More information on taxon constraints in GO is available here

Annotation Blacklist

This list aims to correct incorrect annotations to UniProtKB accessions inferred from electronic annotation (IEA) methods that are supplied by the UniProt-GOA project to the GO Consortium:

Category Entity Type Entity ID Taxon ID Entity Name Ancestor GO ID Reason Rule/Method ID
NOT-qualified manual protein A1ZBR2 7227 A1ZBR2_DROME GO:0019730 1 NOT-qualified manual annotation exists with evidence code ECO:0000315 from this reference: PMID:12101100
NOT-qualified manual protein C0HJF8 863974 LNGP_ACULO GO:0061844 6 NOT-qualified manual annotations exist with evidence code ECO:0000314 from this reference: PMID:27997568
NOT-qualified manual protein P96210 83332 ESPG1_MYCTU GO:0046903 1 NOT-qualified manual annotation exists with evidence code ECO:0000314 from this reference: PMID:21196469
NOT-qualified manual protein P9WJD1 83332 ESPF_MYCTU GO:0046903 1 NOT-qualified manual annotation exists with evidence code ECO:0000314 from this reference: PMID:21196469
NOT-qualified manual protein Q24591 7227 Q24591_DROME GO:0019730 1 NOT-qualified manual annotation exists with evidence code ECO:0000315 from this reference: PMID:12101100
NOT-qualified manual protein Q2XXS4 7227 Q2XXS4_DROME GO:0019730 1 NOT-qualified manual annotation exists with evidence code ECO:0000315 from this reference: PMID:12101100
NOT-qualified manual protein Q7JPR9 7227 Q7JPR9_DROME GO:0019730 1 NOT-qualified manual annotation exists with evidence code ECO:0000315 from this reference: PMID:12101100
NOT-qualified manual protein Q961H0 7227 Q961H0_DROME GO:0019730 1 NOT-qualified manual annotation exists with evidence code ECO:0000315 from this reference: PMID:12101100

Co-occurring Terms

These tables show the number of times the term listed in the table has been co-annotated.

No co-occurrence statistics for GO:0002776 based on ALL annotations
The top 74 of 74 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
antimicrobial peptide secretion
8,256,452.50 100.00 24 24
spindle envelope
1,474,366.60 14.29 10 56
fusome organization
1,353,516.90 13.33 10 61
dorsal closure, elongation of leading edge cells
927,691.25 9.71 10 89
dorsal closure, amnioserosa morphology change
860,047.10 9.09 10 96
actomyosin contractile ring contraction
682,351.44 7.41 10 121
ovarian fusome organization
573,364.75 6.33 10 144
oocyte microtubule cytoskeleton polarization
529,259.75 5.88 10 156
cell pole
529,259.75 5.88 10 156
dense core granule membrane
509,657.56 5.68 10 162
Totals 699 80689910
No co-occurrence statistics for GO:0002776 based on MANUAL annotations
The top 70 of 70 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
antimicrobial peptide secretion
235,255.50 100.00 6 6
fusome organization
26,139.50 7.14 1 9
dorsal closure, elongation of leading edge cells
23,525.55 6.67 1 10
spindle envelope
23,525.55 6.67 1 10
dense core granule membrane
15,683.70 5.00 1 15
dorsal closure, amnioserosa morphology change
15,683.70 5.00 1 15
ovarian fusome organization
13,069.75 4.35 1 18
exosomal secretion
9,410.22 3.33 1 25
actomyosin contractile ring contraction
8,401.98 3.03 1 28
Golgi vesicle fusion to target membrane
6,919.28 2.56 1 34
Totals 84 660079

Change Log

Timestamp Action Category Detail
2023-11-01 Added CONSTRAINT never_in_taxon NCBITaxon:4895 (Schizosaccharomyces)
2013-02-15 Added DEFINITION The regulated release of an antimicrobial peptide from a cell or a tissue. Such peptides may have protective properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa.
2013-02-15 Deleted DEFINITION The regulated release of an antimicrobial peptide from a cell or group of cells. Such peptides may have protective properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa.
2008-05-13 Added DEFINITION The regulated release of an antimicrobial peptide from a cell or group of cells. Such peptides may have protective properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa.
2008-05-12 Deleted DEFINITION The regulated release of an antimicrobial peptide from a cell or group of cells. Such peptides may have protective properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa.
2008-04-01 Updated RELATION is a GO:0002790 (peptide secretion)
2008-04-01 Updated RELATION part of GO:0002775 (antimicrobial peptide production)
2006-09-22 Added DEFINITION The regulated release of an antimicrobial peptide from a cell or group of cells. Such peptides may have protective properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa.
2006-09-21 Added TERM antimicrobial peptide secretion
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2006-09-21 Added TERM antimicrobial peptide secretion
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2013-02-15 Added DEFINITION The regulated release of an antimicrobial peptide from a cell or a tissue. Such peptides may have protective properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa.
2013-02-15 Deleted DEFINITION The regulated release of an antimicrobial peptide from a cell or group of cells. Such peptides may have protective properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa.
2008-05-13 Added DEFINITION The regulated release of an antimicrobial peptide from a cell or group of cells. Such peptides may have protective properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa.
2008-05-12 Deleted DEFINITION The regulated release of an antimicrobial peptide from a cell or group of cells. Such peptides may have protective properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa.
2006-09-22 Added DEFINITION The regulated release of an antimicrobial peptide from a cell or group of cells. Such peptides may have protective properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa.
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2008-04-01 Updated RELATION is a GO:0002790 (peptide secretion)
2008-04-01 Updated RELATION part of GO:0002775 (antimicrobial peptide production)
Timestamp Action Category Detail
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2023-11-01 Added CONSTRAINT never_in_taxon NCBITaxon:4895 (Schizosaccharomyces)
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