triglyceride mobilization
Biological Process
Definition (GO:0006642 GONUTS page)
The release of triglycerides, any triester of glycerol, from storage within cells or tissues, making them available for metabolism. PMID:11943743 PMID:15713625
Synonyms are alternative words or phrases closely related in meaning to the term name, with indication of the relationship between the name and synonym given by the synonym scope.
Synonym | Type |
triacylglycerol mobilization | exact |
Ancestor Chart
Co-occurring Terms
These tables show the number of times the term listed in the table has been co-annotated.
No co-occurrence statistics for GO:0006642 based on ALL annotations
The top 100 of 503 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term | PR | S% | #Together | #Compared |
triglyceride mobilization
49,920.30 | 100.00 | 3,905 | 3,905 |
mature chylomicron
49,920.31 | 90.55 | 3,536 | 3,536 |
low-density lipoprotein particle receptor binding
24,101.34 | 45.96 | 3,536 | 7,324 |
low-density lipoprotein particle
20,530.15 | 39.43 | 3,536 | 8,598 |
cholesterol transport
17,458.04 | 33.74 | 3,536 | 10,111 |
very-low-density lipoprotein particle
15,881.49 | 30.80 | 3,538 | 11,121 |
15,738.19 | 28.84 | 3,013 | 9,557 |
cholesterol transfer activity
9,580.36 | 18.81 | 3,536 | 18,425 |
cholesterol homeostasis
6,608.50 | 13.09 | 3,605 | 27,232 |
lipoprotein transport
4,923.96 | 9.76 | 3,537 | 35,859 |
Totals | 55237 | 941322 |
No co-occurrence statistics for GO:0006642 based on MANUAL annotations
The top 100 of 426 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term | PR | S% | #Together | #Compared |
triglyceride mobilization
26,912.48 | 100.00 | 48 | 48 |
mature chylomicron
26,912.48 | 37.50 | 18 | 18 |
negative regulation of phosphatidic acid biosynthetic process
26,912.48 | 12.50 | 6 | 6 |
low-density lipoprotein particle receptor binding
3,166.17 | 9.84 | 18 | 153 |
low-density lipoprotein particle
3,145.61 | 9.78 | 18 | 154 |
cholesterol transport
3,007.87 | 9.55 | 19 | 170 |
phosphatidylethanolamine metabolic process
5,708.71 | 9.46 | 7 | 33 |
lipoprotein transport
2,774.48 | 9.01 | 20 | 194 |
very-low-density lipoprotein particle
2,622.24 | 8.48 | 19 | 195 |
phosphatidic acid metabolic process
5,208.87 | 8.22 | 6 | 31 |
Totals | 439 | 5487 |
Change Log
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- Definition / Synonyms
- Definition / Synonyms
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Timestamp | Action | Category | Detail |
2009-02-14 | Deleted | SYNONYM | triglyceride mobilization |
2009-02-14 | Added | SYNONYM | triacylglycerol mobilization |
2009-02-14 | Added | DEFINITION | The release of triglycerides, any triester of glycerol, from storage within cells or tissues, making them available for metabolism. |
2009-02-14 | Deleted | DEFINITION | The release of triacylglycerols, any triester of glycerol, from storage within cells or tissues, making them available for metabolism. |
2009-02-14 | Updated | TERM | triglyceride mobilization |
2008-05-13 | Added | DEFINITION | The release of triacylglycerols, any triester of glycerol, from storage within cells or tissues, making them available for metabolism. |
2008-05-12 | Deleted | DEFINITION | The release of triacylglycerols, any triester of glycerol, from storage within cells or tissues, making them available for metabolism. |
2008-04-01 | Updated | RELATION | is a GO:0006641 (triglyceride metabolic process) |
2007-08-09 | Deleted | SYNONYM | triglyceride mobilization |
2007-08-09 | Added | SYNONYM | triglyceride mobilization |
Timestamp | Action | Category | Detail |
2009-02-14 | Updated | TERM | triglyceride mobilization |
2002-02-06 | Updated | TERM | triacylglycerol mobilization |
2001-04-03 | Updated | TERM | triacylglycerol mobilization |
2001-03-30 | Added | TERM | triacylglycerol mobilization |
Timestamp | Action | Category | Detail |
2009-02-14 | Deleted | SYNONYM | triglyceride mobilization |
2009-02-14 | Added | SYNONYM | triacylglycerol mobilization |
2009-02-14 | Added | DEFINITION | The release of triglycerides, any triester of glycerol, from storage within cells or tissues, making them available for metabolism. |
2009-02-14 | Deleted | DEFINITION | The release of triacylglycerols, any triester of glycerol, from storage within cells or tissues, making them available for metabolism. |
2008-05-13 | Added | DEFINITION | The release of triacylglycerols, any triester of glycerol, from storage within cells or tissues, making them available for metabolism. |
2008-05-12 | Deleted | DEFINITION | The release of triacylglycerols, any triester of glycerol, from storage within cells or tissues, making them available for metabolism. |
2007-08-09 | Deleted | SYNONYM | triglyceride mobilization |
2007-08-09 | Added | SYNONYM | triglyceride mobilization |
2007-06-27 | Added | DEFINITION | The release of triacylglycerols, any triester of glycerol, from storage within cells or tissues, making them available for metabolism. |
2004-04-19 | Added | SYNONYM | triglyceride mobilization |
2004-04-16 | Deleted | SYNONYM | triglyceride mobilization |
2001-10-15 | Added | SYNONYM | triglyceride mobilization |
Timestamp | Action | Category | Detail |
2008-04-01 | Updated | RELATION | is a GO:0006641 (triglyceride metabolic process) |
Timestamp | Action | Category | Detail |
Timestamp | Action | Category | Detail |
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