This term is obsolete.

GO:0007603 JSON

phototransduction, visible light

Biological Process

Definition (GO:0007603 GONUTS page)

The sequence of reactions within a cell required to convert absorbed photons from visible light into a molecular signal. A visible light stimulus is electromagnetic radiation that can be perceived visually by an organism; for organisms lacking a visual system, this can be defined as light with a wavelength within the range 380 to 780 nm.

2,369 annotations


Synonyms are alternative words or phrases closely related in meaning to the term name, with indication of the relationship between the name and synonym given by the synonym scope.

Synonym Type
visual transduction exact
visual cascade exact

Ancestor Chart

Ancestor chart for GO:0007603
Chart options
Ancestor chart

Child Terms

This table lists all terms that are direct descendants (child terms) of GO:0007603

Child Term Relationship to
G protein-coupled opsin signaling pathway

GO Discussions

The GO editorial group is intending to improve the information provided in this area of the GO. If you would like to be involved in discussions regarding this development activity, please email the GO Consortium. Please note that it is still appropriate to use this term for curation or analysis purpose:

Ontology Development Project
signalling Link

Annotation Blacklist

This list aims to correct incorrect annotations to UniProtKB accessions inferred from electronic annotation (IEA) methods that are supplied by the UniProt-GOA project to the GO Consortium:

Category Entity Type Entity ID Taxon ID Entity Name Ancestor GO ID Reason Rule/Method ID
NOT-qualified manual protein F4JZY1 3702 CIP1_ARATH GO:0009416 1 NOT-qualified manual annotation exists with evidence code ECO:0000270 from this reference: PMID:7753789
NOT-qualified manual protein O22914 3702 CP121_ARATH GO:0009416 2 NOT-qualified manual annotations exist with evidence code ECO:0000270 from these references: PMID:15533878, PMID:18974062
NOT-qualified manual protein P08735 4577 G3PC1_MAIZE GO:0009416 1 NOT-qualified manual annotation exists with evidence code ECO:0000270 from this reference: PMID:2535522
NOT-qualified manual protein P27788 4577 FER3_MAIZE GO:0009416 1 NOT-qualified manual annotation exists with evidence code ECO:0000270 from this reference: PMID:16668188
NOT-qualified manual protein P29993 7227 ITPR_DROME GO:0007602 1 NOT-qualified manual annotation exists with evidence code ECO:0000315 from this reference: PMID:28660247
NOT-qualified manual protein Q9C9K2 3702 CP123_ARATH GO:0009416 1 NOT-qualified manual annotation exists with evidence code ECO:0000270 from this reference: PMID:18974062


Database ID Description
Reactome R-HSA-2187338


This term can be used instead of these obsolete terms:

GO Identifier GO Term Name Reason
GO:0015059 obsolete blue-sensitive opsin consider GO:0007603
GO:0015060 obsolete green-sensitive opsin consider GO:0007603
GO:0015061 obsolete red-sensitive opsin consider GO:0007603
GO:0015062 obsolete violet-sensitive opsin consider GO:0007603
GO:0015063 obsolete long-wave-sensitive opsin consider GO:0007603
GO:0016016 obsolete short-wave-sensitive opsin consider GO:0007603

Co-occurring Terms

These tables show the number of times the term listed in the table has been co-annotated.

No co-occurrence statistics for GO:0007603 based on ALL annotations
The top 100 of 406 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
phototransduction, visible light
97,661.34 100.00 2,029 2,029
detection of light stimulus involved in visual perception
43,422.02 37.36 1,421 3,196
sensory perception of sweet taste
13,983.00 10.50 573 4,002
sensory perception of umami taste
8,909.12 4.76 184 2,017
background adaptation
40,311.28 4.48 97 235
neural tissue regeneration
31,896.13 4.35 97 297
negative regulation of glomerular filtration
70,095.64 4.31 89 124
detection of light stimulus
21,230.73 4.19 100 460
mono-olein transacylation activity
33,430.23 4.05 89 260
diolein transacylation activity
33,430.23 4.05 89 260
Totals 16615 712044
No co-occurrence statistics for GO:0007603 based on MANUAL annotations
The top 100 of 280 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
phototransduction, visible light
8,452.29 100.00 167 167
G protein-coupled acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway
5,003.76 33.94 74 125
entrainment of circadian clock
1,924.52 17.70 74 325
detection of light stimulus involved in visual perception
1,963.11 12.59 36 155
photoreceptor outer segment
742.04 7.69 64 729
sensory perception of sweet taste
1,443.07 5.96 14 82
G-protein beta/gamma-subunit complex binding
523.94 5.47 53 855
rhabdomere microvillus membrane
6,761.84 4.73 8 10
phototransduction, UV
3,944.40 4.00 7 15
G protein-coupled receptor binding
355.75 3.87 54 1,283
Totals 1004 20835

Change Log

Timestamp Action Category Detail
2024-12-05 Added XREF Reactome:R-HSA-2187338
2012-09-28 Added SYNONYM visual transduction
2012-09-28 Added SYNONYM visual cascade
2009-10-27 Added RELATION is a GO:0009584 (detection of visible light)
2009-10-27 Deleted RELATION part of GO:0009584 (detection of visible light)
2008-05-13 Added DEFINITION The sequence of reactions within a cell required to convert absorbed photons from visible light into a molecular signal. A visible light stimulus is electromagnetic radiation that can be perceived visually by an organism; for organisms lacking a visual system, this can be defined as light with a wavelength within the range 380 to 780 nm.
2008-05-12 Deleted DEFINITION The sequence of reactions within a cell required to convert absorbed photons from visible light into a molecular signal. A visible light stimulus is electromagnetic radiation that can be perceived visually by an organism; for organisms lacking a visual system, this can be defined as light with a wavelength within the range 380 to 780 nm.
2008-04-01 Updated RELATION is a GO:0007602 (phototransduction)
2008-04-01 Updated RELATION part of GO:0009584 (detection of visible light)
2007-09-10 Deleted SYNONYM blue-sensitive opsin
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2002-02-06 Updated TERM phototransduction, visible light
2001-04-03 Updated TERM phototransduction, visible light
2001-03-30 Added TERM phototransduction, visible light
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2012-09-28 Added SYNONYM visual transduction
2012-09-28 Added SYNONYM visual cascade
2008-05-13 Added DEFINITION The sequence of reactions within a cell required to convert absorbed photons from visible light into a molecular signal. A visible light stimulus is electromagnetic radiation that can be perceived visually by an organism; for organisms lacking a visual system, this can be defined as light with a wavelength within the range 380 to 780 nm.
2008-05-12 Deleted DEFINITION The sequence of reactions within a cell required to convert absorbed photons from visible light into a molecular signal. A visible light stimulus is electromagnetic radiation that can be perceived visually by an organism; for organisms lacking a visual system, this can be defined as light with a wavelength within the range 380 to 780 nm.
2007-09-10 Deleted SYNONYM blue-sensitive opsin
2007-09-10 Deleted SYNONYM short-wave-sensitive opsin
2007-09-10 Deleted SYNONYM red-sensitive opsin
2007-09-10 Deleted SYNONYM long-wave-sensitive opsin
2007-09-10 Deleted SYNONYM green-sensitive opsin
2007-09-10 Deleted SYNONYM violet-sensitive opsin
2007-08-09 Deleted SYNONYM violet-sensitive opsin
2007-08-09 Deleted SYNONYM short-wave-sensitive opsin
2007-08-09 Deleted SYNONYM red-sensitive opsin
2007-08-09 Deleted SYNONYM long-wave-sensitive opsin
2007-08-09 Deleted SYNONYM blue-sensitive opsin
2007-08-09 Added SYNONYM violet-sensitive opsin
2007-08-09 Added SYNONYM short-wave-sensitive opsin
2007-08-09 Added SYNONYM red-sensitive opsin
2007-08-09 Added SYNONYM long-wave-sensitive opsin
2007-08-09 Added SYNONYM green-sensitive opsin
2007-08-09 Added SYNONYM blue-sensitive opsin
2007-08-09 Deleted SYNONYM green-sensitive opsin
2005-09-23 Updated DEFINITION The sequence of reactions within a cell required to convert absorbed photons from visible light into a molecular signal. A visible light stimulus is electromagnetic radiation that can be perceived visually by an organism; for organisms lacking a visual system, this can be defined as light with a wavelength within the range 380 to 780 nm.
2005-08-10 Added SYNONYM short-wave-sensitive opsin
2005-08-10 Added SYNONYM red-sensitive opsin
2005-08-10 Added SYNONYM long-wave-sensitive opsin
2005-08-10 Added SYNONYM green-sensitive opsin
2005-08-10 Added SYNONYM blue-sensitive opsin
2005-08-10 Added SYNONYM violet-sensitive opsin
2005-05-14 Updated DEFINITION The sequence of reactions within a cell required to convert absorbed photons from visible light into a molecular signal; visible light is defined as having a wavelength within the range 380-780 nm.
2002-11-27 Updated DEFINITION The sequence of reactions within a cell required to convert absorbed photons from visible light into a molecular signal; visible light being defined as having a wavelength within the range 380-780 nm.
2001-08-06 Added DEFINITION The sequence of reactions within a cell required to convert absorbed photons from visible light into a molecular signal; visible light being defined as having a wavelength within the range 380-780nm.
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2009-10-27 Added RELATION is a GO:0009584 (detection of visible light)
2009-10-27 Deleted RELATION part of GO:0009584 (detection of visible light)
2008-04-01 Updated RELATION is a GO:0007602 (phototransduction)
2008-04-01 Updated RELATION part of GO:0009584 (detection of visible light)
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2024-12-05 Added XREF Reactome:R-HSA-2187338
Timestamp Action Category Detail
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