This term is obsolete.

GO:0033674 JSON

positive regulation of kinase activity

Biological Process

Definition (GO:0033674 GONUTS page)

Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of kinase activity, the catalysis of the transfer of a phosphate group, usually from ATP, to a substrate molecule.


This term should not be used for direct annotation.

743 annotations


Synonyms are alternative words or phrases closely related in meaning to the term name, with indication of the relationship between the name and synonym given by the synonym scope.

Synonym Type
kinase activator narrow
stimulation of kinase activity narrow
up regulation of kinase activity exact
up-regulation of kinase activity exact
upregulation of kinase activity exact

Ancestor Chart

Ancestor chart for GO:0033674
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Ancestor chart

Child Terms

This table lists all terms that are direct descendants (child terms) of GO:0033674

Child Term Relationship to
positive regulation of hexokinase activity
positive regulation of protein kinase activity
positive regulation of lipid kinase activity

Annotation Guidance

Usage of this term is subject to the following annotation guidelines:

Describing enzyme functions that catalyse multi-stage reactions Link

Annotation Blacklist

This list aims to correct incorrect annotations to UniProtKB accessions inferred from electronic annotation (IEA) methods that are supplied by the UniProt-GOA project to the GO Consortium:

Category Entity Type Entity ID Taxon ID Entity Name Ancestor GO ID Reason Rule/Method ID
NOT-qualified manual protein C8VKG6 227321 C8VKG6_EMENI GO:0019220 1 NOT-qualified manual annotation exists with evidence code ECO:0000315 from this reference: PMID:14668368

Co-occurring Terms

These tables show the number of times the term listed in the table has been co-annotated.

No co-occurrence statistics for GO:0033674 based on ALL annotations
The top 100 of 259 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
positive regulation of kinase activity
8,256,452.50 100.00 24 24
positive regulation of cell cycle phase transition
623,128.50 5.48 4 53
cellular response to sodium dodecyl sulfate
611,589.10 5.41 4 54
asexual spore wall
4,128,226.50 4.00 1 2
regulation of positive chemotaxis to cAMP
589,746.70 2.70 1 14
regulation of interleukin-4 production
458,691.80 2.44 1 18
MHC class II receptor activity
358,976.22 2.17 1 23
T cell selection
206,411.31 1.96 2 80
regulation of aggregation involved in sorocarp development
275,215.10 1.89 1 30
autolysosome membrane
266,337.20 1.85 1 31
Totals 199 169414
No co-occurrence statistics for GO:0033674 based on MANUAL annotations
The top 100 of 211 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
positive regulation of kinase activity
58,813.88 100.00 24 24
positive regulation of cell cycle phase transition
58,813.88 16.67 4 4
cellular response to sodium dodecyl sulfate
47,051.10 16.00 4 5
positive regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway
4,524.14 6.48 7 91
T cell selection
6,534.88 5.00 2 18
positive regulation of viral entry into host cell
4,200.99 4.76 3 42
positive regulation of megakaryocyte differentiation
3,095.47 4.17 4 76
positive regulation of monocyte differentiation
3,393.11 4.11 3 52
interleukin-16 binding
29,406.94 4.00 1 2
asexual spore wall
29,406.94 4.00 1 2
Totals 184 11063

Change Log

Timestamp Action Category Detail
2024-07-26 Deleted SUBSET gocheck_do_not_annotate
2024-07-26 Added SUBSET gocheck_obsoletion_candidate
2023-06-13 Added SUBSET gocheck_do_not_annotate
2014-10-18 Added RELATION is a GO:0042327 (positive regulation of phosphorylation)
2010-06-15 Added RELATION positively regulates GO:0016301 (kinase activity)
2010-06-14 Deleted RELATION positively regulates GO:0016301 (kinase activity)
2010-06-09 Updated TERM positive regulation of kinase activity
2010-06-08 Updated TERM positive regulation of kinase activity
2010-06-08 Added RELATION positively regulates GO:0016301 (kinase activity)
2009-02-25 Updated TERM positive regulation of kinase activity
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2010-06-09 Updated TERM positive regulation of kinase activity
2010-06-08 Updated TERM positive regulation of kinase activity
2009-02-25 Updated TERM positive regulation of kinase activity
2009-02-22 Updated TERM positive regulation of kinase activity
2007-10-18 Added TERM positive regulation of kinase activity
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2008-05-13 Added DEFINITION Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of kinase activity, the catalysis of the transfer of a phosphate group, usually from ATP, to a substrate molecule.
2008-05-12 Deleted DEFINITION Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of kinase activity, the catalysis of the transfer of a phosphate group, usually from ATP, to a substrate molecule.
2007-10-25 Added DEFINITION Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of kinase activity, the catalysis of the transfer of a phosphate group, usually from ATP, to a substrate molecule.
2007-10-18 Added SYNONYM up-regulation of kinase activity
2007-10-18 Added SYNONYM up regulation of kinase activity
2007-10-18 Added SYNONYM stimulation of kinase activity
2007-10-18 Added SYNONYM kinase activator
2007-10-18 Added SYNONYM upregulation of kinase activity
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2014-10-18 Added RELATION is a GO:0042327 (positive regulation of phosphorylation)
2010-06-15 Added RELATION positively regulates GO:0016301 (kinase activity)
2010-06-14 Deleted RELATION positively regulates GO:0016301 (kinase activity)
2010-06-08 Added RELATION positively regulates GO:0016301 (kinase activity)
2009-02-25 Deleted RELATION positively regulates GO:0016301 (kinase activity)
2009-02-22 Added RELATION positively regulates GO:0016301 (kinase activity)
2008-04-01 Updated RELATION is a GO:0043549 (regulation of kinase activity)
2008-04-01 Updated RELATION is a GO:0051347 (positive regulation of transferase activity)
Timestamp Action Category Detail
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2024-07-26 Deleted SUBSET gocheck_do_not_annotate
2024-07-26 Added SUBSET gocheck_obsoletion_candidate
2023-06-13 Added SUBSET gocheck_do_not_annotate
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