This term is obsolete.

GO:0044504 JSON

modulation of receptor activity in another organism

Biological Process

Definition (GO:0044504 GONUTS page)

The process in which an organism effects a change in the activity of a receptor in a second organism. PMID:8405712

12 annotations


Synonyms are alternative words or phrases closely related in meaning to the term name, with indication of the relationship between the name and synonym given by the synonym scope.

Synonym Type
modulation of receptor activity in other organism exact

Ancestor Chart

Ancestor chart for GO:0044504
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Ancestor chart

Child Terms

This table lists all terms that are direct descendants (child terms) of GO:0044504

Child Term Relationship to
modulation of glucagon-like peptide receptor 1 activity in another organism
modulation of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor activity in another organism
modulation of G protein-coupled receptor activity in another organism

Taxon Constraints

The use of this term should conform to the following taxon constraints:

Ancestor GO ID Ancestor GO Term Name Relationship Taxon ID Taxon Reference(s)
GO:0044504 modulation of receptor activity in another organism Never in Taxon 4895 Schizosaccharomyces

More information on taxon constraints in GO is available here

Co-occurring Terms

These tables show the number of times the term listed in the table has been co-annotated.

No co-occurrence statistics for GO:0044504 based on ALL annotations
The top 6 of 6 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
modulation of receptor activity in another organism
18,014,078.00 100.00 11 11
host cell postsynaptic membrane
98,978.46 0.54 3 546
ion channel regulator activity
37,600.54 0.21 11 5,270
acetylcholine receptor inhibitor activity
36,146.46 0.20 11 5,482
toxin activity
1,902.17 0.01 11 104,173
extracellular region
75.39 0.00 11 2,628,559
Totals 58 2744041
No co-occurrence statistics for GO:0044504 based on MANUAL annotations
The top 4 of 4 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
modulation of receptor activity in another organism
128,321.19 100.00 11 11
acetylcholine receptor inhibitor activity
9,537.39 7.43 11 148
toxin activity
7,508.15 5.85 11 188
extracellular region
138.18 0.11 11 10,215
Totals 44 10562

Change Log

Timestamp Action Category Detail
2024-09-05 Added CONSTRAINT never_in_taxon NCBITaxon:4895 (Schizosaccharomyces)
2022-01-12 Added SYNONYM modulation of receptor activity in other organism
2022-01-12 Updated TERM modulation of receptor activity in another organism
2017-05-12 Deleted RELATION is a GO:0010469 (regulation of signaling receptor activity)
2012-03-01 Added RELATION is a GO:0044359 (modulation of molecular function in another organism)
2012-03-01 Added RELATION has part GO:0044511 (envenomation resulting in modulation of receptor activity in another organism)
2012-03-01 Added TERM modulation of receptor activity in other organism
2012-03-01 Added DEFINITION The process in which an organism effects a change in the activity of a receptor in a second organism.
2012-03-01 Added RELATION is a GO:0010469 (regulation of signaling receptor activity)
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2022-01-12 Updated TERM modulation of receptor activity in another organism
2012-03-01 Added TERM modulation of receptor activity in other organism
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2022-01-12 Added SYNONYM modulation of receptor activity in other organism
2012-03-01 Added DEFINITION The process in which an organism effects a change in the activity of a receptor in a second organism.
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2017-05-12 Deleted RELATION is a GO:0010469 (regulation of signaling receptor activity)
2012-03-01 Added RELATION is a GO:0044359 (modulation of molecular function in another organism)
2012-03-01 Added RELATION has part GO:0044511 (envenomation resulting in modulation of receptor activity in another organism)
2012-03-01 Added RELATION is a GO:0010469 (regulation of signaling receptor activity)
Timestamp Action Category Detail
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2024-09-05 Added CONSTRAINT never_in_taxon NCBITaxon:4895 (Schizosaccharomyces)
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