This term is obsolete.
Note that the syntax of the definition of this term is different from the usual regulation syntax because it describes regulation of a trait rather than regulation of a process.

GO:0048167 JSON

regulation of synaptic plasticity

Biological Process

Definition (GO:0048167 GONUTS page)

A process that modulates synaptic plasticity, the ability of synapses to change as circumstances require. They may alter function, such as increasing or decreasing their sensitivity, or they may increase or decrease in actual numbers. PMID:11891290


Note that the syntax of the definition of this term is different from the usual regulation syntax because it describes regulation of a trait rather than regulation of a process.

64,620 annotations

Ancestor Chart

Ancestor chart for GO:0048167
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Child Terms

This table lists all terms that are direct descendants (child terms) of GO:0048167

Child Term Relationship to
positive regulation of synaptic plasticity
regulation of synaptic scaling
negative regulation of synaptic plasticity
short-term synaptic potentiation
regulation of synaptic plasticity by chemical substance
regulation of long-term synaptic potentiation
regulation of long-term synaptic depression
regulation of neuronal synaptic plasticity
long-term synaptic potentiation
regulation of synaptic metaplasticity

GO Discussions

The GO editorial group is intending to improve the information provided in this area of the GO. If you would like to be involved in discussions regarding this development activity, please email the GO Consortium. Please note that it is still appropriate to use this term for curation or analysis purpose:

Ontology Development Project
signalling Link

Co-occurring Terms

These tables show the number of times the term listed in the table has been co-annotated.

No co-occurrence statistics for GO:0048167 based on ALL annotations
The top 100 of 2,459 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
regulation of synaptic plasticity
8,038.41 100.00 24,651 24,651
cytoskeleton of presynaptic active zone
6,728.93 65.37 18,463 22,056
positive regulation of synaptic transmission
5,344.87 41.12 12,787 19,231
regulation of synaptic vesicle exocytosis
5,381.33 35.18 10,495 15,677
calcium ion-regulated exocytosis of neurotransmitter
3,969.25 33.87 12,792 25,906
regulation of membrane potential
2,175.95 21.76 12,963 47,888
structural constituent of presynaptic active zone
4,835.77 20.06 5,703 9,480
presynaptic membrane
1,964.23 19.99 12,901 52,796
transmembrane transporter binding
1,969.60 19.96 12,788 52,191
maintenance of presynaptic active zone structure
4,758.96 19.95 5,703 9,633
Totals 232315 5117402
No co-occurrence statistics for GO:0048167 based on MANUAL annotations
The top 100 of 2,216 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
3,734.21 100.00 378 378
1,189.66 7.91 36 113
505.87 7.54 55 406
495.83 5.45 32 241
541.19 5.41 30 207
1,742.63 5.22 21 45
613.84 4.80 24 146
1,461.21 4.43 18 46
507.12 4.25 22 162
321.34 4.23 29 337
Totals 2096 26672

Change Log

Timestamp Action Category Detail
2016-08-31 Deleted RELATION is a GO:0050803 (regulation of synapse structure or activity)
2016-08-31 Added RELATION is a GO:0065008 (regulation of biological quality)
2016-01-20 Deleted SUBSET goslim_synapse
2015-06-25 Deleted RELATION is a GO:0065008 (regulation of biological quality)
2015-06-18 Added RELATION is a GO:0050803 (regulation of synapse structure or activity)
2014-12-13 Added SUBSET goslim_synapse
2009-10-07 Added RELATION is a GO:0065008 (regulation of biological quality)
2008-05-13 Added DEFINITION A process that modulates synaptic plasticity, the ability of synapses to change as circumstances require. They may alter function, such as increasing or decreasing their sensitivity, or they may increase or decrease in actual numbers.
2008-05-12 Deleted DEFINITION A process that modulates synaptic plasticity, the ability of synapses to change as circumstances require. They may alter function, such as increasing or decreasing their sensitivity, or they may increase or decrease in actual numbers.
2008-04-01 Updated RELATION is a GO:0050804 (modulation of chemical synaptic transmission)
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2003-07-29 Added TERM regulation of synaptic plasticity
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2008-05-13 Added DEFINITION A process that modulates synaptic plasticity, the ability of synapses to change as circumstances require. They may alter function, such as increasing or decreasing their sensitivity, or they may increase or decrease in actual numbers.
2008-05-12 Deleted DEFINITION A process that modulates synaptic plasticity, the ability of synapses to change as circumstances require. They may alter function, such as increasing or decreasing their sensitivity, or they may increase or decrease in actual numbers.
2004-01-03 Updated DEFINITION A process that modulates synaptic plasticity, the ability of synapses to change as circumstances require. They may alter function, such as increasing or decreasing their sensitivity, or they may increase or decrease in actual numbers.
2003-07-29 Added DEFINITION A process that modulates synaptic plasticity; the ability of synapses to change as circumstances require. They may alter function, such as increasing or decreasing their sensitivity; or they may increase or decrease in actual numbers.
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2016-08-31 Deleted RELATION is a GO:0050803 (regulation of synapse structure or activity)
2016-08-31 Added RELATION is a GO:0065008 (regulation of biological quality)
2015-06-25 Deleted RELATION is a GO:0065008 (regulation of biological quality)
2015-06-18 Added RELATION is a GO:0050803 (regulation of synapse structure or activity)
2009-10-07 Added RELATION is a GO:0065008 (regulation of biological quality)
2008-04-01 Updated RELATION is a GO:0050804 (modulation of chemical synaptic transmission)
Timestamp Action Category Detail
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2016-01-20 Deleted SUBSET goslim_synapse
2014-12-13 Added SUBSET goslim_synapse
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