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GO:0051725 JSON

protein de-ADP-ribosylation

Biological Process

Definition (GO:0051725 GONUTS page)

The process of removing one or more ADP-ribose residues from a protein.

12,500 annotations


Synonyms are alternative words or phrases closely related in meaning to the term name, with indication of the relationship between the name and synonym given by the synonym scope.

Synonym Type
protein poly(ADP-ribose) degradation exact
protein poly(ADP-ribose) hydrolysis exact
removal of ADP-ribose from protein exact
protein poly(ADP-ribose) catabolic process exact
poly(ADP-ribose) removal from protein exact
protein amino acid de-ADP-ribosylation exact
protein poly(ADP-ribose) catabolism exact

Ancestor Chart

Ancestor chart for GO:0051725
Chart options
Ancestor chart

Child Terms

This table lists all terms that are direct descendants (child terms) of GO:0051725

Child Term Relationship to
peptidyl-serine ADP-deribosylation
peptidyl-glutamate ADP-deribosylation


Database ID Description
InterPro IPR012108 ADP-ribosylarginine hydrolase

Co-occurring Terms

These tables show the number of times the term listed in the table has been co-annotated.

No co-occurrence statistics for GO:0051725 based on ALL annotations
The top 39 of 39 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
protein de-ADP-ribosylation
134,251.27 100.00 1,476 1,476
ADP-ribosylarginine hydrolase activity
126,160.23 81.12 1,263 1,344
ADP-ribosylglutamate hydrolase activity
14,224.40 6.47 210 1,982
purine nucleoside binding
11,886.83 3.62 85 960
3,613.40 2.55 475 17,648
purine nucleoside metabolic process
2,734.24 1.81 210 10,311
peptidyl-glutamate ADP-deribosylation
2,586.97 1.73 210 10,898
O-acetyl-ADP-ribose deacetylase activity
3,088.55 1.71 92 3,999
site of DNA damage
1,965.78 1.18 85 5,805
ADP-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] hydrolase activity
2,135.82 0.60 14 880
Totals 9251 138154796
No co-occurrence statistics for GO:0051725 based on MANUAL annotations
The top 26 of 26 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
protein de-ADP-ribosylation
54,289.73 100.00 26 26
peptidyl-glutamate ADP-deribosylation
51,575.24 70.37 19 20
ADP-ribosylglutamate hydrolase activity
14,735.78 24.68 19 70
purine nucleoside binding
23,267.03 17.65 6 14
O-acetyl-ADP-ribose deacetylase activity
16,286.92 15.00 6 20
purine nucleoside metabolic process
8,789.77 14.91 17 105
ADP-ribosylarginine hydrolase activity
31,022.71 13.79 4 7
hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds
7,351.73 11.93 13 96
ADP-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] hydrolase activity
6,169.29 7.69 5 44
deacetylase activity
2,395.14 4.07 9 204
Totals 228 448316

Change Log

Timestamp Action Category Detail
2024-07-27 Deleted SUBSET gocheck_do_not_annotate
2023-06-13 Added SUBSET gocheck_do_not_annotate
2022-04-05 Deleted RELATION is a GO:0006464 (cellular protein modification process)
2022-04-05 Added RELATION is a GO:0036211 (protein modification process)
2010-10-24 Updated TERM protein de-ADP-ribosylation
2010-10-24 Added SYNONYM protein amino acid de-ADP-ribosylation
2010-10-15 Deleted RELATION is a GO:0043687 (post-translational protein modification)
2010-10-15 Added RELATION is a GO:0006464 (cellular protein modification process)
2008-05-13 Added DEFINITION The process of removing one or more ADP-ribose residues from a protein.
2008-05-12 Deleted DEFINITION The process of removing one or more ADP-ribose residues from a protein.
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2010-10-24 Updated TERM protein de-ADP-ribosylation
2005-12-16 Added TERM protein amino acid de-ADP-ribosylation
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2010-10-24 Added SYNONYM protein amino acid de-ADP-ribosylation
2008-05-13 Added DEFINITION The process of removing one or more ADP-ribose residues from a protein.
2008-05-12 Deleted DEFINITION The process of removing one or more ADP-ribose residues from a protein.
2008-04-01 Deleted SYNONYM poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase activity
2007-08-09 Deleted SYNONYM protein poly(ADP-ribose) degradation
2007-08-09 Deleted SYNONYM protein poly(ADP-ribose) hydrolysis
2007-08-09 Deleted SYNONYM removal of ADP-ribose from protein
2007-08-09 Deleted SYNONYM protein poly(ADP-ribose) catabolic process
2007-08-09 Added SYNONYM protein poly(ADP-ribose) hydrolysis
2007-08-09 Added SYNONYM removal of ADP-ribose from protein
2007-08-09 Added SYNONYM poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase activity
2007-08-09 Added SYNONYM poly(ADP-ribose) removal from protein
2007-08-09 Added SYNONYM protein poly(ADP-ribose) catabolic process
2007-08-09 Added SYNONYM protein poly(ADP-ribose) catabolism
2007-08-09 Deleted SYNONYM protein poly(ADP-ribose) catabolism
2007-08-09 Deleted SYNONYM poly(ADP-ribose) removal from protein
2007-08-09 Added SYNONYM protein poly(ADP-ribose) degradation
2007-08-09 Deleted SYNONYM poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase activity
2007-01-15 Added SYNONYM protein poly(ADP-ribose) catabolic process
2005-12-16 Added SYNONYM protein poly(ADP-ribose) catabolism
2005-12-16 Added SYNONYM poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase activity
2005-12-16 Added DEFINITION The process of removing one or more ADP-ribose residues from a protein.
2005-12-16 Added SYNONYM protein poly(ADP-ribose) hydrolysis
2005-12-16 Added SYNONYM protein poly(ADP-ribose) degradation
2005-12-16 Added SYNONYM poly(ADP-ribose) removal from protein
2005-12-16 Added SYNONYM removal of ADP-ribose from protein
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2022-04-05 Deleted RELATION is a GO:0006464 (cellular protein modification process)
2022-04-05 Added RELATION is a GO:0036211 (protein modification process)
2010-10-15 Deleted RELATION is a GO:0043687 (post-translational protein modification)
2010-10-15 Added RELATION is a GO:0006464 (cellular protein modification process)
2008-04-01 Updated RELATION is a GO:0043687 (post-translational protein modification)
Timestamp Action Category Detail
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2024-07-27 Deleted SUBSET gocheck_do_not_annotate
2023-06-13 Added SUBSET gocheck_do_not_annotate
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