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GO:1900428 JSON

regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms

Biological Process

Definition (GO:1900428 GONUTS page)

Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms.

2,213 annotations

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Child Terms

This table lists all terms that are direct descendants (child terms) of GO:1900428

Child Term Relationship to
regulation of growth of unicellular organism as a thread of attached cells
regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH
regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to chemical stimulus
regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to starvation
regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to biotic stimulus
positive regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms
regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to heat
negative regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms

Co-occurring Terms

These tables show the number of times the term listed in the table has been co-annotated.

No co-occurrence statistics for GO:1900428 based on ALL annotations
The top 85 of 85 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms
33,025,810.00 100.00 6 6
negative regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to chemical stimulus
11,008,603.00 12.50 1 3
negative regulation of cell adhesion involved in single-species biofilm formation
8,256,453.00 11.11 1 4
parasexual reproduction with cellular fusion
4,717,973.50 8.33 1 7
development of symbiont in host
2,871,809.80 7.41 2 23
regulation of single-species biofilm formation on inanimate substrate
2,358,986.50 6.67 3 42
cell-abiotic substrate adhesion
2,064,113.20 4.76 1 16
positive regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to neutral pH
1,834,767.20 4.35 1 18
filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to chemical stimulus
869,100.30 2.33 1 38
positive regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms
768,042.10 2.08 1 43
Totals 130 141931185
No co-occurrence statistics for GO:1900428 based on MANUAL annotations
The top 60 of 60 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms
235,255.50 100.00 6 6
regulation of conjugation with cellular fusion
67,215.86 18.18 2 7
negative regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to chemical stimulus
78,418.50 12.50 1 3
negative regulation of cell adhesion involved in single-species biofilm formation
58,813.88 11.11 1 4
positive regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to starvation
22,055.20 8.57 3 32
parasexual reproduction with cellular fusion
33,607.93 8.33 1 7
regulation of filamentous growth
21,386.87 7.69 2 22
development of symbiont in host
20,457.00 7.41 2 23
regulation of phenotypic switching
18,820.44 6.90 2 25
regulation of single-species biofilm formation on inanimate substrate
16,803.97 6.67 3 42
Totals 100 516788

Change Log

Timestamp Action Category Detail
2012-04-28 Added DEFINITION Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms.
2012-04-28 Added RELATION regulates GO:0044182 (filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms)
2012-04-28 Added RELATION is a GO:0010570 (regulation of filamentous growth)
2012-04-28 Added TERM regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2012-04-28 Added TERM regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2012-04-28 Added DEFINITION Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms.
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2012-04-28 Added RELATION regulates GO:0044182 (filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms)
2012-04-28 Added RELATION is a GO:0010570 (regulation of filamentous growth)
Timestamp Action Category Detail
Timestamp Action Category Detail
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