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GO:1904456 JSON

negative regulation of neuronal action potential

Biological Process

Definition (GO:1904456 GONUTS page)

Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of neuronal action potential. PMID:25126967

33 annotations


Synonyms are alternative words or phrases closely related in meaning to the term name, with indication of the relationship between the name and synonym given by the synonym scope.

Synonym Type
down-regulation of neuronal action potential exact
negative regulation of generation of action potential related
inhibition of neuronal action potential narrow
down-regulation of generation of action potential related
down regulation of generation of action potential related
down regulation of neuronal action potential exact
inhibition of generation of action potential related
downregulation of generation of action potential related
downregulation of neuronal action potential exact

Ancestor Chart

Ancestor chart for GO:1904456
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Ancestor chart

Co-occurring Terms

These tables show the number of times the term listed in the table has been co-annotated.

No co-occurrence statistics for GO:1904456 based on ALL annotations
The top 100 of 301 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
negative regulation of neuronal action potential
6,004,693.00 100.00 33 33
synaptic transmission, glycinergic
392,830.38 6.31 21 321
lateral geniculate nucleus development
4,003,128.50 5.88 2 3
regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, REM sleep
4,003,128.50 5.88 2 3
pH-gated chloride channel activity
377,437.84 5.58 11 175
response to interleukin-17
511,037.72 5.26 4 47
neuromuscular junction development, skeletal muscle fiber
240,187.70 3.10 4 100
negative regulation of synaptic transmission, GABAergic
230,949.72 3.01 4 104
response to metformin
171,562.66 2.37 4 140
limbic system development
164,512.14 2.29 4 146
Totals 388 84431
No co-occurrence statistics for GO:1904456 based on MANUAL annotations
The top 100 of 211 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
negative regulation of neuronal action potential
117,627.75 100.00 12 12
limbic system development
58,813.88 25.00 4 8
response to interleukin-17
58,813.88 25.00 4 8
response to metformin
52,279.00 23.53 4 9
glutamatergic neuron differentiation
47,051.10 22.22 4 10
superior temporal gyrus development
58,813.88 20.00 3 6
neuromuscular junction development, skeletal muscle fiber
33,607.93 18.18 4 14
glycine-gated chloride ion channel activity
44,110.41 17.65 3 8
positive regulation of neuronal action potential
31,367.40 17.39 4 15
clustering of voltage-gated potassium channels
31,367.40 17.39 4 15
Totals 322 7322

Change Log

Timestamp Action Category Detail
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM down-regulation of neuronal action potential
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM down regulation of neuronal action potential
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM down regulation of generation of action potential
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM downregulation of neuronal action potential
2015-07-11 Added TERM negative regulation of neuronal action potential
2015-07-11 Added DEFINITION Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of neuronal action potential.
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM inhibition of neuronal action potential
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM downregulation of generation of action potential
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM down-regulation of generation of action potential
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM inhibition of generation of action potential
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2015-07-11 Added TERM negative regulation of neuronal action potential
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM down-regulation of neuronal action potential
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM down regulation of neuronal action potential
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM down regulation of generation of action potential
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM downregulation of neuronal action potential
2015-07-11 Added DEFINITION Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of neuronal action potential.
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM inhibition of neuronal action potential
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM downregulation of generation of action potential
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM down-regulation of generation of action potential
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM inhibition of generation of action potential
2015-07-11 Added SYNONYM negative regulation of generation of action potential
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2015-07-11 Added RELATION is a GO:0098908 (regulation of neuronal action potential)
2015-07-11 Added RELATION is a GO:0051970 (negative regulation of transmission of nerve impulse)
2015-07-11 Added RELATION is a GO:0045759 (negative regulation of action potential)
2015-07-11 Added RELATION negatively regulates GO:0019228 (neuronal action potential)
Timestamp Action Category Detail
Timestamp Action Category Detail
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