This term is obsolete.

GO:2000011 JSON

regulation of adaxial/abaxial pattern formation

Biological Process

Definition (GO:2000011 GONUTS page)

Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of adaxial/abaxial pattern formation.

204 annotations


Synonyms are alternative words or phrases closely related in meaning to the term name, with indication of the relationship between the name and synonym given by the synonym scope.

Synonym Type
regulation of adaxial/abaxial pattern specification related

Ancestor Chart

Ancestor chart for GO:2000011
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Co-occurring Terms

These tables show the number of times the term listed in the table has been co-annotated.

No co-occurrence statistics for GO:2000011 based on ALL annotations
The top 100 of 118 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
regulation of adaxial/abaxial pattern formation
969,844.75 100.00 201 201
RING-like zinc finger domain binding
350,718.72 26.20 98 271
rostrocaudal neural tube patterning
277,498.90 22.10 99 346
regulation of meristem structural organization
177,440.27 13.85 73 399
somatic stem cell division
152,646.47 13.54 99 629
positive regulation of immature T cell proliferation in thymus
123,730.19 11.28 99 776
intrachromosomal DNA recombination
912,795.00 7.92 16 17
regulation of leaf development
50,642.82 4.78 73 1,398
nuclear dicing body
104,444.81 2.70 7 65
positive regulation of fibroblast proliferation
20,953.43 2.11 98 4,536
Totals 4259 31842154
No co-occurrence statistics for GO:2000011 based on MANUAL annotations
The top 94 of 94 co-occurring terms
Co-occurring Term PR S% #Together #Compared
regulation of adaxial/abaxial pattern formation
92,271.35 100.00 14 14
plant epidermal cell fate specification
92,271.36 21.43 3 3
sex chromatin
22,145.13 18.18 6 25
rostrocaudal neural tube patterning
18,454.27 11.54 3 15
regulation of endosperm development
15,378.56 10.34 3 18
facultative heterochromatin formation
10,855.45 10.17 6 51
RING-like zinc finger domain binding
18,454.27 9.09 2 10
regulation of meristem structural organization
12,035.40 8.82 3 23
regulation of kidney development
14,195.59 8.00 2 13
ubiquitin-protein transferase activator activity
10,252.37 7.89 3 27
Totals 296 740337

Change Log

Timestamp Action Category Detail
2020-10-08 Deleted RELATION is a GO:2000026 (regulation of multicellular organismal development)
2020-10-08 Added RELATION is a GO:0051239 (regulation of multicellular organismal process)
2010-09-03 Deleted RELATION is a GO:0050793 (regulation of developmental process)
2010-08-17 Added RELATION is a GO:2000026 (regulation of multicellular organismal development)
2010-08-08 Added SYNONYM regulation of adaxial/abaxial pattern specification
2010-08-08 Added RELATION is a GO:0050793 (regulation of developmental process)
2010-08-08 Added TERM regulation of adaxial/abaxial pattern formation
2010-08-08 Added DEFINITION Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of adaxial/abaxial pattern formation.
2010-08-08 Added RELATION regulates GO:0009955 (adaxial/abaxial pattern specification)
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2010-08-08 Added TERM regulation of adaxial/abaxial pattern formation
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2010-08-08 Added SYNONYM regulation of adaxial/abaxial pattern specification
2010-08-08 Added DEFINITION Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of adaxial/abaxial pattern formation.
Timestamp Action Category Detail
2020-10-08 Deleted RELATION is a GO:2000026 (regulation of multicellular organismal development)
2020-10-08 Added RELATION is a GO:0051239 (regulation of multicellular organismal process)
2010-09-03 Deleted RELATION is a GO:0050793 (regulation of developmental process)
2010-08-17 Added RELATION is a GO:2000026 (regulation of multicellular organismal development)
2010-08-08 Added RELATION is a GO:0050793 (regulation of developmental process)
2010-08-08 Added RELATION regulates GO:0009955 (adaxial/abaxial pattern specification)
Timestamp Action Category Detail
Timestamp Action Category Detail
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