ID FJ462741; SV 1; linear; genomic RNA; STD; VRL; 804 BP. XX AC FJ462741; XX DT 24-DEC-2008 (Rel. 98, Created) DT 24-DEC-2008 (Rel. 98, Last updated, Version 1) XX DE Cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus isolate WIII/8 coat protein gene, DE complete cds. XX KW . XX OS Cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus OC Viruses; Riboviria; Tymovirales; Betaflexiviridae; Quinvirinae; OC Robigovirus. XX RN [1] RP 1-804 RA Komorowska B.; RT "Molecular characterization of a sour cherry isolate of Cherry necrotic RT rusty mottle virus"; RL Unpublished. XX RN [2] RP 1-804 RA Komorowska B.; RT ; RL Submitted (14-NOV-2008) to the INSDC. RL Plant Protection, Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, RL Pomologiczna 18, Skierniewice 96-100, Poland XX DR MD5; c7348c0cb1761016b64c735338b99195. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..804 FT /organism="Cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus" FT /host="sour cherry" FT /isolate="WIII/8" FT /mol_type="genomic RNA" FT /country="Poland" FT /collection_date="14-Oct-2008" FT /db_xref="taxon:129143" FT CDS 1..804 FT /codon_start=1 FT /product="coat protein" FT /note="capsid protein" FT /db_xref="GOA:B7U9W8" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR000052" FT /db_xref="UniProtKB/TrEMBL:B7U9W8" FT /protein_id="ACK38258.1" FT /translation="MADEYELNDDGTFKLNAANNKIPKKKTTGPTPPLPRNEESPSRKS FT DIEILRSRRRRINFDPKNPTSSPSREFISNIQEKDPTTLNIASDDTVKAIAADWVEHLK FT VPESETFNCIFDVVWYCYHNSSSDKTKFVGRAKCNVELEELASTIRSYCSLRSFCSKYA FT PVIWDFAISNDIPPANWQRRKVIEGAKFAAFDFFEAVTSAAALQPVAGLIRNPTDKEMI FT AGASLKEISLMRDEIRRGTSSTLMTEVTGGRTGQVQPIKRIGGDE" XX SQ Sequence 804 BP; 260 A; 162 C; 188 G; 194 T; 0 other; atggcagatg agtatgaatt gaatgatgat ggaaccttca aacttaatgc tgcaaacaac 60 aagatcccga agaagaagac gactgggcca acccctccac ttcccaggaa tgaagagagt 120 ccttcaagaa agagcgatat tgaaattctc agatcaagaa gaaggcgaat taacttcgat 180 ccaaagaatc ccacctcaag tcctagcaga gagtttatca gcaacattca ggaaaaggac 240 cctacaactc tcaacattgc atctgatgat acagttaagg caattgcagc cgattgggtt 300 gagcacctca aagtgcctga gtctgaaacg ttcaattgca ttttcgatgt tgtctggtac 360 tgttaccaca acagctcaag tgacaaaaca aaattcgtgg gcagagccaa atgtaatgtc 420 gaacttgagg aactggcaag cactattagg agctactgtt ctttacgtag cttttgttct 480 aaatacgcgc cagtgatttg ggattttgca attagcaatg atatacctcc agctaattgg 540 caaaggagaa aggtcattga gggagcaaag ttcgcagctt ttgatttctt tgaagcagta 600 accagtgcag ccgctttaca gcctgtggct ggactcatta ggaatccaac agataaagag 660 atgattgccg gtgcatctct taaagaaata agcttaatga gagatgagat tcgtagaggg 720 acgagctcaa cattaatgac tgaagtaact ggcggcagaa ctggccaagt tcagcccatc 780 aagcgcattg gtggtgatga atga 804 //