ID GQ118150; SV 1; linear; genomic RNA; STD; VRL; 578 BP. XX AC GQ118150; XX DT 18-JUN-2009 (Rel. 101, Created) DT 18-JUN-2009 (Rel. 101, Last updated, Version 1) XX DE Chickpea yellows virus isolate Su-cp-8 coat protein gene, partial cds. XX KW . XX OS Chickpea yellows luteovirus OC Viruses; Riboviria; Luteoviridae; unclassified Luteoviridae. XX RN [1] RC Publication Status: Online-Only RP 1-578 RA Abraham A., Varrelmann M., Vetten J.H.; RT "Molecular evidence for the occurrence of two new luteoviruses in cool RT season food legumes in Northeast Africa"; RL Afr. J. Biotechnol. 7:414-420(2008). XX RN [2] RP 1-578 RA Abraham A., Varrelmann M., Vetten J.H.; RT ; RL Submitted (03-MAY-2009) to the INSDC. RL Biotechnology, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Ababa RL 2003, Ethiopia XX DR MD5; a2a423569f63c90c0391b8fdd2038a42. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..578 FT /organism="Chickpea yellows luteovirus" FT /isolate="Su-cp-8" FT /mol_type="genomic RNA" FT /country="Sudan" FT /db_xref="taxon:649937" FT CDS <1..>578 FT /codon_start=3 FT /product="coat protein" FT /db_xref="GOA:C5MJQ9" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR001517" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR029053" FT /db_xref="UniProtKB/TrEMBL:C5MJQ9" FT /protein_id="ACR82508.1" FT /translation="VSQNVVRGRSRRRTARNQRRQSMAMATPSRQPFRRRRQRRRNRNR FT ARGAVLAGARGQAHTFVFSKDNLSGNSSGSITFGPSLSECKPLSDGILRAYHEYKITMV FT LLEFVTEASSTSSGSIAFELDPHLKYATLQSAINKFSITKSGSRRFNASRINGQEWHDT FT SEDQFRILFKGNGENKIAGSFKITITVLT" XX SQ Sequence 578 BP; 163 A; 162 C; 138 G; 115 T; 0 other; cagttagcca gaatgtcgta cgaggaagat cacgccgtcg cactgcaagg aatcaacgcc 60 gtcagtcaat ggctatggca acgccctcca ggcagccatt ccgccgaaga cgacaacgac 120 gacgaaatag aaacagggca agaggtgctg tattggccgg agcaagaggc caagctcaca 180 cattcgtttt ttcgaaggac aacctcagtg gcaactcctc cggaagtatc actttcgggc 240 cgtctttatc agagtgcaag ccgctctcag acggaatact cagggcctac catgaatata 300 aaatcacaat ggtcctattg gagttcgtca ccgaagccag ttccacctcg tccggttcaa 360 tcgcttttga gctggatccc cacctcaagt acgctaccct ccaatccgca atcaataagt 420 tctcaatcac caagagcggg tcgaggaggt tcaacgcctc gcgcattaat ggccaggaat 480 ggcatgacac cagtgaggac caattccgga tccttttcaa aggaaatggc gagaacaaga 540 tagctggctc attcaagata acgatcaccg tgctaacc 578 //