ID S73861; SV 1; linear; genomic RNA; STD; VRL; 248 BP. XX AC S73861; XX DT 23-MAY-1995 (Rel. 43, Created) DT 01-SEP-2004 (Rel. 81, Last updated, Version 3) XX DE {variegated carrier tissue-associated} [avocado sunblotch viroid ASBVd-V, DE Genomic RNA Mutant, 248 nt]. XX KW . XX OS Avocado sunblotch viroid V OC Viruses; Riboviria; Avsunviroidae; Avsunviroid. XX RN [1] RC GenBank staff at the National Library of Medicine created this entry [NCBI RC gibbsq 156764] from the original journal article. RP 1-248 RX PUBMED; 8021585. RA Semancik J.S., Szychowski J.A.; RT "Avocado sunblotch disease: a persistent viroid infection in which variants RT are associated with differential symptoms"; RL J. Gen. Virol. 75(Pt 7):1543-1549(1994). XX DR MD5; 12bd6062a7a25003212f557c5226ae42. DR RFAM; RF00163; Hammerhead_1. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..248 FT /organism="Avocado sunblotch viroid V" FT /mol_type="genomic RNA" FT /db_xref="taxon:40243" XX SQ Sequence 248 BP; 69 A; 43 C; 51 G; 85 T; 0 other; tttattagaa caagaagtga ggatatgatt aaactttgtt tgacgaaacc aggtctgttc 60 cgactttccg actctgagtt tcgacttgtg agagaaggag gagtcgtggt gaacttttat 120 taaaaaaaat tagttcactc gtcttcaatc tcttgatcac ttcgtctctt cagggaaaga 180 tgggaagaac actgatgagt ctcgcaaggt ttactcctct atcttcattg tttttttaca 240 aaatcttg 248 //