Service Update: Improvements Underway for Enhanced Reliability

We understand that our service has experienced issues in recent months, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. We want to assure you that we are actively working to address these challenges and enhance the overall reliability of our service.

Please bear with us as we make significant improvements to minimize disruptions. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated during this transition.

Count Interactive Target DB Algorithm Status
22 1 pdb phmmer DONE
1 1 rp55 phmmer DONE
1 1 swissprot phmmer DONE
27 1 uniprotkb phmmer DONE
331 1 uniprotrefprot phmmer DONE
6 1 ensemblgenomes phmmer DONE
2423 0 pfam hmmscan DONE
126 1 pfam hmmscan DONE
174 1 superfamily hmmscan DONE
2 1 alphafold hmmsearch DONE
1 1 pdb hmmsearch DONE
2 1 rp15 hmmsearch DONE
1 1 rp35 hmmsearch DONE
1 1 rp75 hmmsearch DONE
10 1 uniprotkb hmmsearch DONE
34 1 uniprotrefprot hmmsearch DONE
48 1 ensemblgenomes hmmsearch DONE
1 1 uniprotrefprot phmmer ERROR
24 0 uniprotrefprot phmmer PEND
1 1 ensemblgenomes phmmer PEND
922 0 pfam hmmscan PEND
1 1 uniprotrefprot hmmsearch RUN