Gene expression profiles of the adult renal cortical endothelial cells. (GUDMAP Series_id: 41)
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MRC Human Genetics Unit
Address: MRC Human Genetics Unit, Crewe Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Study typetranscription profiling by array
OrganismMus musculus
DescriptionThe long term objective is to create an encyclopedia of the expression levels of all genes in multiple components of the developing kidney. The central thesis is straightforward. The combination of fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS) plus microarray analysis offers a powerful, efficient and effective method for the creation of a global gene expression atlas of the developing kidney. Microarrays with essentially complete genome coverage can be used to quantitate expression levels of every gene in FACS isolated components of the developing kidney. The ensuing rapid read-out provides an expression atlas that is more sensitive, more economical and more complete than would be possible by in situ hybridizations alone. Tie2-GFP transgenic mice were utilized to isolate the endothelial cell population from the cortical region of adult kidneys. The cortical endothelial cells were isolated from kidneys using a combination of collagenase treatment, differential seiving, trypsin treatment and FACS. The RNA was isolated from purified endothelial cells and the gene expression profiles were determined by microarrays.
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Sample count3
Experimental Designstranscription profiling by array
Source Characteristics
Assays and Data
TechnologyArray assay
Assay by MoleculeRNA assay
Raw Data
Processed Data
Array Designs