This model is described in the article:
In genetic disorders associated with premature neuronal death, symptoms may not appear for years or decades. This delay in clinical onset is often assumed to reflect the occurrence of age-dependent cumulative damage. For example, it has been suggested that oxidative stress disrupts metabolism in neurological degenerative disorders by the cumulative damage of essential macromolecules. A prediction of the cumulative damage hypothesis is that the probability of cell death will increase over time. Here we show in contrast that the kinetics of neuronal death in 12 models of photoreceptor degeneration, hippocampal neurons undergoing excitotoxic cell death, a mouse model of cerebellar degeneration and Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases are all exponential and better explained by mathematical models in which the risk of cell death remains constant or decreases exponentially with age. These kinetics argue against the cumulative damage hypothesis; instead, the time of death of any neuron is random. Our findings are most simply accommodated by a 'one-hit' biochemical model in which mutation imposes a mutant steady state on the neuron and a single event randomly initiates cell death. This model appears to be common to many forms of neurodegeneration and has implications for therapeutic strategies.
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A one-hit model of cell death in inherited neuronal degenerations.
- G Clarke, R A Collins, B R Leavitt, D F Andrews, M R Hayden, C J Lumsden, R R McInnes
- Nature , 7/ 2000 , Volume 406 , Issue 6792 , pages: 195-199 , PubMed ID: 10910361
- Program in Developmental Biology, The Research Institute, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- In genetic disorders associated with premature neuronal death, symptoms may not appear for years or decades. This delay in clinical onset is often assumed to reflect the occurrence of age-dependent cumulative damage. For example, it has been suggested that oxidative stress disrupts metabolism in neurological degenerative disorders by the cumulative damage of essential macromolecules. A prediction of the cumulative damage hypothesis is that the probability of cell death will increase over time. Here we show in contrast that the kinetics of neuronal death in 12 models of photoreceptor degeneration, hippocampal neurons undergoing excitotoxic cell death, a mouse model of cerebellar degeneration and Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases are all exponential and better explained by mathematical models in which the risk of cell death remains constant or decreases exponentially with age. These kinetics argue against the cumulative damage hypothesis; instead, the time of death of any neuron is random. Our findings are most simply accommodated by a 'one-hit' biochemical model in which mutation imposes a mutant steady state on the neuron and a single event randomly initiates cell death. This model appears to be common to many forms of neurodegeneration and has implications for therapeutic strategies.
Submitter of this revision: administrator
Curator: Lucian Smith
Modellers: administrator, Audald Lloret i Villas
Metadata information
isDescribedBy (1 statement)
hasTaxon (5 statements)
Taxonomy Rattus norvegicus
Taxonomy Homo sapiens
Taxonomy Canis lupus familiaris
Taxonomy Felis catus
isVersionOf (1 statement)
hasVersion (7 statements)
Human Disease Ontology Huntington's disease
Human Disease Ontology retinal detachment
Human Disease Ontology retinal disease
Human Disease Ontology retinal degeneration
Connected external resources
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Model files (1) |
BIOMD0000000538_url.xml | SBML L2V4 representation of Clarke2000 - One-hit model of cell death in neuronal degenerations | 18.02 KB | Preview | Download |
Additional files (11) |
BIOMD0000000538-biopax2.owl | Auto-generated BioPAX (Level 2) | 7.67 KB | Preview | Download |
BIOMD0000000538-biopax3.owl | Auto-generated BioPAX (Level 3) | 8.30 KB | Preview | Download |
BIOMD0000000538.m | Auto-generated Octave file | 2.38 KB | Preview | Download |
BIOMD0000000538.pdf | Auto-generated PDF file | 129.13 KB | Preview | Download |
BIOMD0000000538.png | Auto-generated Reaction graph (PNG) | 5.04 KB | Preview | Download |
BIOMD0000000538.sci | Auto-generated Scilab file | 154.00 Bytes | Preview | Download |
BIOMD0000000538.svg | Auto-generated Reaction graph (SVG) | 851.00 Bytes | Preview | Download |
BIOMD0000000538.vcml | Auto-generated VCML file | 900.00 Bytes | Preview | Download |
BIOMD0000000538.xpp | Auto-generated XPP file | 1.40 KB | Preview | Download |
BIOMD0000000538_urn.xml | Auto-generated SBML file with URNs | 17.75 KB | Preview | Download |
Clarke2000.cps | Copasi file of the model | 30.54 KB | Preview | Download |
- Model originally submitted by : Audald Lloret i Villas
- Submitted: Aug 7, 2014 11:54:59 AM
- Last Modified: Aug 21, 2024 10:52:50 PM
Version: 4
- Submitted on: Aug 21, 2024 10:52:50 PM
- Submitted by: Lucian Smith
- With comment: CRBM-sponsored manual and automated updates.
Version: 3
- Submitted on: Dec 21, 2018 5:29:29 PM
- Submitted by: administrator
- With comment: Include the additional files provided by the submitter in the original submission: Clarke2000.cps
Version: 2
- Submitted on: Sep 9, 2014 1:55:11 PM
- Submitted by: Audald Lloret i Villas
- With comment: Current version of Clarke2000 - One-hit model of cell death in neuronal degenerations
Version: 1
- Submitted on: Aug 7, 2014 11:54:59 AM
- Submitted by: Audald Lloret i Villas
- With comment: Original import of Clarke2000 - One-hit model of cell death in neuronal degenerations
(*) You might be seeing discontinuous revisions as only public revisions are displayed here. Any private revisions of this model will only be shown to the submitter and their collaborators.
(added: 07 Aug 2014, 13:59:50, updated: 07 Aug 2014, 13:59:50)