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Short description
This model reproduces a solution (at a=1, b=20.8, eta=1e-4) of the parameter scan in Fig. 4b of the referenced paper. Equations and other parameter values are as published. Notch signaling in competition with lateral stabilization, both mediated by cell–cell interactions, can control the cell fate decision of multi-potent pancreatic progenitor cells between the exocrine and endocrine lineages and yield a scattered spatial distribution of endocrine cells, major constituents of the later islets of Langerhans. The model file is in MorpheusML format and can be opened in the free, open-source multicellular modeling software Morpheus (download from to simulate the time course (movie) of lineage specification in 10.000 coupled cells in the early pancreatic tissue.
Related Publication
On the role of lateral stabilization during early patterning in the pancreas.
- Walter de Back, Joseph Xu Zhou, Lutz Brusch
- Journal of the Royal Society, Interface , 2/ 2013 , Volume 10 , Issue 79 , pages: 20120766 , PubMed ID: 23193107
Submitter of the first revision: Peter Brusch
Submitter of this revision: Peter Brusch
Modellers: Peter Brusch, Krishna Kumar Tiwari
Submitter of this revision: Peter Brusch
Modellers: Peter Brusch, Krishna Kumar Tiwari
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