RNA-seq of Bacillus subtilis (i) sigI-rsgI knock-out strain, (ii) rsgI disrupted strain, and (iii) wt strains during growth at 52°C and 37°C

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  • Martin Převorovský
    Martin Převorovský
    Email: martin.prevorovsky@natur.cuni.cz
    Phone: (+420) 221 95 1769
    Role: consultant;data analyst;data coder
    Affiliation: Department of Cell Biology, Charles University, Faculty of Science
  • Olga Ramaniuk
    Olga Ramaniuk
    Email: ramaniuk@biomed.cas.cz
    Phone: (+420) 296 443 406
    Role: data analyst;experiment performer;investigator;submitter
    Affiliation: Laboratory of Microbial Genetics and Gene Expression, Institute of Microbiology, v.v.i. AS CR
  • Libor Krásný
    Libor Krásný
    Email: krasny@biomed.cas.cz
    Phone: (+420) 296 443 208
    Role: consultant;curator;submitter
    Affiliation: Laboratory of Microbial Genetics and Gene Expression, Institute of Microbiology, v.v.i. AS CR
  • 1 Department of Cell Biology, Charles University, Faculty of Science
    Address: Viničná 7, 128 43 Praha 2
  • 2 Laboratory of Microbial Genetics and Gene Expression, Institute of Microbiology, v.v.i. AS CR
    Address: Videnska 1083, 14220 Prague, Czech Republic
  • 3 Laboratory of Microbial Genetics and Gene Expression, Institute of Microbiology, v.v.i. AS CR
    Address: Videnska 1083, 14220 Prague, Czech Republic
Study typeRNA-seq of coding RNA
OrganismBacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168
DescriptionThe aim of the experiments was to determine the regulon of the Bacillus subtilis alternative sigma factor SigI. Biological relevance: To expand our knowledge about Bacillus subtilis transcriptional network under unfavorable conditions. Experimental workflow overview: Bacillus subtilis 168 trp+ (BaSysBio) was used as the genetic background. (i) sigI-rsgI knock-out, (ii) rsgI knock-out, and (iii) wr strains were cultured in LB medium to mid-exponential phase at 37°C and 52°C. Total RNA was isolated from 3 ml of the culture. rRNA was depleted from the samples with RiboMinus; subsequently RNA-seq libraries were prepared (Illumina compatible NEXTflex Rapid Directional RNA-Seq Kit, Bioo Scientific) and sequenced at the EMBL GeneCore facility. The experiment was performed in three independent replicates.
The aim of the experiments was to determine the regulon of the Bacillus subtilis alternative sigma factor SigI. Biological relevance: To expand our knowledge about Bacillus subtilis transcriptional network under unfavorable conditions. Experimental workflow overview: Bacillus subtilis 168 trp+ (BaSysBio) was used as the genetic background. (i) sigI-rsgI knock-out, (ii) rsgI knock-out, and (iii) wr strains were cultured in LB medium to mid-exponential phase at 37°C and 52°C. Total RNA was isolated from 3 ml of the culture. rRNA was depleted from the samples with RiboMinus; subsequently RNA-seq libraries were prepared (Illumina compatible NEXTflex Rapid Directional RNA-Seq Kit, Bioo Scientific) and sequenced at the EMBL GeneCore facility. The experiment was performed in three independent replicates.
Protocols show table
Sample count18
Experimental Designsgrowth condition design, replicate design, stimulus or stress design, genetic modification design
Experimental Factorsgenotype, temperature
Experimental Factors
Source Characteristics
Assays and Data
Assay count18
TechnologySequencing assay
Assay by MoleculeRNA assay
Exp. Design*