CHEBI:231505 - gallium nitrate

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name gallium nitrate
Definition The inorganic nitrate salt of gallium.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Submitter Noura Rayya
Secondary ChEBI IDs CHEBI:5269
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Formula NO3.NO3.NO3.Ga
Net Charge 0
Average Mass 255.735
Monoisotopic Mass 254.88903
InChI InChI=1S/Ga.3NO3/c;3*2-1(3)4/q+3;3*-1
SMILES [Ga+3].[O-][N+]([O-])=O.[O-][N+]([O-])=O.[O-][N+]([O-])=O
Roles Classification
Chemical Role(s): NMR chemical shift reference compound
Any compound that produces a peak used to reference an NMR spectrum during data pre-processing.
Biological Role(s): antibacterial agent
A substance (or active part thereof) that kills or slows the growth of bacteria.
Application(s): antineoplastic agent
A substance that inhibits or prevents the proliferation of neoplasms.
NMR chemical shift reference compound
Any compound that produces a peak used to reference an NMR spectrum during data pre-processing.
View more via ChEBI Ontology
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing gallium nitrate (CHEBI:231505) has role antibacterial agent (CHEBI:33282)
gallium nitrate (CHEBI:231505) has role antineoplastic agent (CHEBI:35610)
gallium nitrate (CHEBI:231505) has role NMR chemical shift reference compound (CHEBI:228364)
gallium nitrate (CHEBI:231505) is a gallium salt (CHEBI:231548)
gallium nitrate (CHEBI:231505) is a inorganic nitrate salt (CHEBI:51084)
gallium trinitrate
Synonyms Sources
Ga(NO3)3 ChEBI
gallium nitrate anhydrous ChEBI
gallium(III) nitrate ChEBI
nitric acid gallium salt ChEBI
nitric acid, gallium salt ChEBI
Brand Name Source
Ganite DrugBank
Manual Xrefs Databases
DB05260 DrugBank
Gallium_nitrate Wikipedia
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Registry Number Type Source
13494-90-1 CAS Registry Number ChEBI
Citations Waiting for Citations Types Sources
23959335 PubMed citation Europe PMC
24060870 PubMed citation Europe PMC
24656780 PubMed citation Europe PMC
26055478 PubMed citation Europe PMC
26149986 PubMed citation Europe PMC
26369125 PubMed citation Europe PMC
26647856 PubMed citation Europe PMC
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31264851 PubMed citation Europe PMC
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32845117 PubMed citation Europe PMC
32896958 PubMed citation Europe PMC
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33257448 PubMed citation Europe PMC
33715736 PubMed citation Europe PMC
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35564180 PubMed citation Europe PMC
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36385992 PubMed citation Europe PMC
36621329 PubMed citation Europe PMC
37272820 PubMed citation Europe PMC
37471668 PubMed citation Europe PMC
38672503 PubMed citation Europe PMC
7428136 PubMed citation Europe PMC
Last Modified
07 June 2024