CHEBI:38803 - perflubron

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ChEBI Name perflubron
Definition A haloalkane that is perfluorooctane in which a fluorine attached to one of the terminal carbons has been replaced by a bromine.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
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Roles Classification
Application(s): radioopaque medium
A substance having the property of absorbing, and therefore being opaque to, electromagnetic radiation, particularly X-rays.
blood substitute
A substance that can carry oxygen to and carbon dioxide away from the tissues when introduced into the blood stream. Blood substitutes are used to replace hemoglobin in severe hemorrhage and also to perfuse isolated organs.
Related Structures
perflubron is a Structural Derivative of
Mass : 114.22852
Formula : C8H18
Definition : A compound consisting of carbon and hydrogen only.
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