CHEBI:75176 - ornidazole

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ChEBI Name ornidazole
Definition A C-nitro compound that is 5-nitroimidazole in which the hydrogens at positions 1 and 2 are replaced by 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl and methyl groups, respectively. It is used in the treatment of susceptible protozoal infections and for the treatment of anaerobic bacterial infections.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
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Roles Classification
Biological Role(s): antiprotozoal drug
Any antimicrobial drug which is used to treat or prevent protozoal infections.
antibacterial drug
A drug used to treat or prevent bacterial infections.
antitrichomonal drug
A drug used to treat trichomonas infections.
The biological role played by a material entity when bound by a receptor of the adaptive immune system. Specific site on an antigen to which an antibody binds.
Application(s): antiprotozoal drug
Any antimicrobial drug which is used to treat or prevent protozoal infections.
antiinfective agent
A substance used in the prophylaxis or therapy of infectious diseases.
antibacterial drug
A drug used to treat or prevent bacterial infections.
antitrichomonal drug
A drug used to treat trichomonas infections.
antiamoebic agent
An antiparasitic agent which is effective against amoeba, a genus of single-celled amoeboids in the family Amoebidae.
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