CHEBI:17497 - glycolic acid

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
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- 387 Protein Sequences
  • 329 UniProt KB UniProt Knowledge Base of protein sequences.   
    1. A0PSI5
      Malate synthase G
    2. A0QGM8
      Malate synthase G
    3. A1A9T1
      Glyoxylate/hydroxypyruvate reductase A
    4. A1AH96
      Glyoxylate/hydroxypyruvate reductase B
    5. A1JRR3
      Glyoxylate/hydroxypyruvate reductase A
  • 58 PDBe PDBe is the European resource for the collection, organisation and dissemination of data on biological macromolecular structures.   
    1. 1qki
    2. 1ryi
    3. 2h8p
    4. 2hfe
    5. 2hg5
- 15 Small molecules
+ 0 Gene Expression
- 10 Molecular Interactions
  • 3 ACToR Aggregated Computational Toxicology Online Resource (ACToR)   
    1. 79-14-1
    2. 26124-68-5
    3. 259744-22-4
  • 0 BindingDB A database of measured binding affinities, focusing on the interactions of proteins considered to be drug-targets with small, drug-like molecules.
  • 0 IntAct Interactions A database of evidence for molecular interactions
  • 0 IEDB Immune Epitope Database
  • 1 ChEMBL A database of bioactive drug-like small molecules and associated bioactivities abstracted from the scientific literature   
    1. CHEMBL252557
  • 5 BRENDA Ligand BRENDA Ligands refer to all compounds which interact with enzymes.   
    1. 479
    2. 4251
    3. 31683
    4. 31684
    5. 207315
  • 1 CompTox CompTox provides a high quality public chemistry resource for supporting improved predictive toxicology.   
    1. DTXSID0025363
  • 0 MetaboLights MetaboLights is a database for Metabolomics experiments and derived information
- 176 Literature
  • 175 Patents Biology-related abstracts of patent applications.   
    1. EP0789023
      Preparation process and purification process of dimeric cyclic ester of alpha-hydroxycarboxylic acid
    2. EP1041070
      Process for preparing cyclic thioamides
    3. EP1072600
      Process for the preparation of Epoxides
    4. EP1234514
      A reduced ignition propensity smoking article
    5. EP1266664
  • 1 SureChEMBL SureChEMBL provides free access to chemical data extracted from the patent literature.   
    1. SCHEMBL1222
- 21 Reactions & Pathways
  • 3 BioModels Database of Mathematical models of biological interest.   
    1. BIOMD0000000469
      Smallbone2013 - E.coli metabolic model with linlog rate law
    2. BIOMD0000000470
      Smallbone2013 - E.coli metabolic model with modular rate law
    3. BIOMD0000001061
      Canto-Encalada2022-FBA of simultaneous degradation of ammonia and pollutants
  • 5 BKMS-react BKMS-react is an integrated and non-redundant biochemical reaction database containing known enzyme-catalyzed and spontaneous reactions.   
    1. 479
    2. 4251
    3. 31683
    4. 31684
    5. 207315
  • 0 Rhea Rhea is a freely available, manually annotated database of biochemical reactions.
  • 0 Reactome A curated knowledgebase of biological pathways.
  • 13 SABIO-RK System for the Analysis of Biochemical Pathways - Reaction Kinetics.   
    1. 152
      Coenzyme A + L-Malate = Acetyl-CoA + Glyoxylate + H2O
    2. 152
      Coenzyme A + L-Malate = Acetyl-CoA + Glyoxylate + H2O
    3. 152
      Coenzyme A + L-Malate = Acetyl-CoA + Glyoxylate + H2O
    4. 152
      Coenzyme A + L-Malate = Acetyl-CoA + Glyoxylate + H2O
    5. 159
      NADP+ + Glycolate = NADPH + Glyoxylate + H+
  • 0 Virtual Metabolic Human A biochemical knowledge-base on human metabolism.
- 77 Enzymes