CHEBI:64660 - [2-(hydroxyarsinato)phenyl]azo group

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name [2-(hydroxyarsinato)phenyl]azo group
Definition A phenylazo group in which the phenyl ring is substituted at the ortho position with a monodeprotonated arsono group.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
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Formula C6H5AsN2O3
Net Charge -1
Average Mass 228.03710
Monoisotopic Mass 227.95161
SMILES C=1(C=CC=CC1[As](O)([O-])=O)N=N*
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing [2-(hydroxyarsinato)phenyl]azo group (CHEBI:64660) is a organic anionic group (CHEBI:64775)
[2-(hydroxyarsinato)phenyl]azo group (CHEBI:64660) is a phenylazo groups (CHEBI:64638)
[2-(hydroxyarsinato)phenyl]azo group (CHEBI:64660) is substituent group from (2-diazoniophenyl)arsonate (CHEBI:64447)
Synonyms Sources
o-azobenzenearsonate ChEBI
ortho-azobenzenearsonate ChEBI
Citation Waiting for Citations Type Source
13912955 PubMed citation Europe PMC
Last Modified
01 June 2012