CHEBI:39298 - organosulfur acaricide

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ChEBI Name organosulfur acaricide
Stars This entity has not been annotated and is a preliminary ChEBI entity.
Roles Classification
Application(s): acaricide
A substance used to destroy pests of the subclass Acari (mites and ticks).
Strictly, a substance intended to kill pests. In common usage, any substance used for controlling, preventing, or destroying animal, microbiological or plant pests.
(via organosulfur pesticide )
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ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing organosulfur acaricide (CHEBI:39298) has role acaricide (CHEBI:22153)
organosulfur acaricide (CHEBI:39298) is a organosulfur pesticide (CHEBI:39189)
Incoming disulfiram (CHEBI:4659) is a organosulfur acaricide (CHEBI:39298)
thiourea acaricide (CHEBI:39296) is a organosulfur acaricide (CHEBI:39298)
Last Modified
11 June 2021