CHEBI:143948 - 5'-end NADH(2−) residue

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ChEBI Name 5'-end NADH(2−) residue
ChEBI ASCII Name 5'-end NADH(2-) residue
Definition An organic anionic group obtained by deprotonation of the phosphate OH groups of a 5'-end NADH CAP residue; major species at pH 7.3.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by a third party.
Submitter Anne Morgat
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Formula C21H26N7O14P2
Net Charge -2
Average Mass 662.418
Monoisotopic Mass 662.10130
SMILES N1(C2=C(C(=NC=N2)N)N=C1)[C@@H]3O[C@H](COP(OP(OC[C@H]4O[C@@H](N5C=C(CC=C5)C(=O)N)[C@@H]([C@@H]4O)O)(=O)[O-])(=O)[O-])[C@H]([C@H]3O)O*
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing 5'-end NADH(2−) residue (CHEBI:143948) has functional parent AMP 5'-end residue (CHEBI:53098)
5'-end NADH(2−) residue (CHEBI:143948) has functional parent NADH(2−) (CHEBI:57945)
5'-end NADH(2−) residue (CHEBI:143948) is a 5'-end ribonucleotide(2−) residue (CHEBI:138282)
Synonym Source
5'-end NADH residue UniProt
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