CHEBI:90928 - Prezcobix

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name Prezcobix
Definition A two-drug mixture containing darunavir, a protease inhibitor, and the pharmacokinetic enhancing or boosting agent cobicistat, that is and is used for the treatment of HIV-1 infection.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Roles Classification
Biological Role(s): anti-HIV-1 agent
An anti-HIV agent that destroys or inhibits the replication of HIV-1, the more infective and more virulent of the two types of HIV virus.
antiviral drug
A substance used in the prophylaxis or therapy of virus diseases.
Application(s): antiviral drug
A substance used in the prophylaxis or therapy of virus diseases.
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ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing Prezcobix (CHEBI:90928) has part cobicistat (CHEBI:72291)
Prezcobix (CHEBI:90928) has part darunavir (CHEBI:367163)
Prezcobix (CHEBI:90928) has role anti-HIV-1 agent (CHEBI:64947)
Prezcobix (CHEBI:90928) has role antiviral drug (CHEBI:36044)
Prezcobix (CHEBI:90928) is a mixture (CHEBI:60004)
Synonyms Sources
Cobicistat / darunavir ChemIDplus
Cobicistat and darunavir ChemIDplus
Cobicistat mixture with darunavir ChemIDplus
Darunavir / Cobicistat ChemIDplus
Citations Waiting for Citations Types Sources
25896480 PubMed citation Europe PMC
26566368 PubMed citation Europe PMC
26629284 PubMed citation Europe PMC
PMC4357349 PubMed Central citation Europe PMC
Last Modified
13 January 2016
General Comment
2016-01-13 The mixture has a ChemIDplus registry number of S900006400 (for details see: