CHEBI:78353 - bleomycin hydrochloride

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name bleomycin hydrochloride
Definition The hydrochloride of bleomycin, a family of structurally related compounds produced by the bacterium Streptomyces verticillus.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Submitter Toni Morrison
Roles Classification
Biological Role(s): antimicrobial agent
A substance that kills or slows the growth of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoans.
Application(s): antineoplastic agent
A substance that inhibits or prevents the proliferation of neoplasms.
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ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing bleomycin hydrochloride (CHEBI:78353) has part bleomycin (CHEBI:22907)
bleomycin hydrochloride (CHEBI:78353) has role antimicrobial agent (CHEBI:33281)
bleomycin hydrochloride (CHEBI:78353) has role antineoplastic agent (CHEBI:35610)
bleomycin hydrochloride (CHEBI:78353) is a hydrochloride (CHEBI:36807)
Synonym Source
Bleomycin chlorhydrate ChemIDplus
Registry Numbers Types Sources
67763-87-5 CAS Registry Number ChemIDplus
8189349 Reaxys Registry Number Reaxys
Last Modified
17 July 2014