CHEBI:53404 - poly(alkylene vinylene) macromolecule

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name poly(alkylene vinylene) macromolecule
Definition A macromolecule with the general formula (-CR2-CR=C(R)CR2-)n where R=H or an alkyl group.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Submitter Hilary Burch
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ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing poly(alkylene vinylene) macromolecule (CHEBI:53404) is a homopolymer macromolecule (CHEBI:37997)
Incoming poly(alkylene vinylene) polymer (CHEBI:60183) has part poly(alkylene vinylene) macromolecule (CHEBI:53404)
poly(isoprene) macromolecule (CHEBI:53405) is a poly(alkylene vinylene) macromolecule (CHEBI:53404)
poly(norbornene) macromolecule (CHEBI:53418) is a poly(alkylene vinylene) macromolecule (CHEBI:53404)
Synonyms Sources
poly(alkylene vinylene) ChEBI
polyalkylene vinylene ChEBI
polyalkylene vinylenes SUBMITTER
polyalkylenevinylene SUBMITTER
polyalkylenevinylenes SUBMITTER
Last Modified
03 September 2010