CHEBI:88025 - methoxymycolate type-1 (VI)

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ChEBI Name methoxymycolate type-1 (VI)
Definition The conjugate base of methoxymycolic acid type-1 (VI). A class of mycolic acids characterized by the presence of a proximal cis-cyclopropyl group and a distal (CH-CH3)-(CHO-CH3) fragment of (S,S) stereochemistry in the meromycolic chain.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by a third party.
Submitter Nevila Nouspikel
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Formula (CH2)l.(CH2)m.(CH2)n.(CH2)p.C12H21O4
Net Charge -1
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing methoxymycolate type-1 (VI) (CHEBI:88025) is a mycolate (CHEBI:25436)
Synonyms Sources
(Z)-cyclopropyl-(S)-methoxy-(S)-methyl-α-mycolate UniProt
(Z)-cyclopropyl-methoxymycolate SUBMITTER
Citations Waiting for Citations Types Sources
12055308 PubMed citation SUBMITTER
22659327 PubMed citation SUBMITTER