
ID: CHEMBL4300822
Name: Undefined
Max Phase:
Molecular Formula: C21H18N2O3S
Molecular Weight: 378.45
Molecule Type: Small molecule

Canonical SMILES:
Standard InChI:
Standard InChI Key:
Alternative forms of compound CHEMBL4300822
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Alternative Forms:

1 out of 1
Compounds similar to CHEMBL4300822
Compounds with at least 85% similarity.

Similarity: 100.00
1 out of 1
Showing data from CHEMBL4300822 and its 1 alternative forms.
Bioactivity Summary
No data available for compound CHEMBL4300822 (including alternative forms).
Showing data from CHEMBL4300822 and its 1 alternative forms.
Assay Summary
No data available for compound CHEMBL4300822 (including alternative forms).
Showing data from CHEMBL4300822 and its 1 alternative forms.
Target Summary
No target classification data available for compound CHEMBL4300822 (all may be non-protein targets)

The table below displays ChEMBL targets which are predicted to interact with CHEMBL4300822. The target prediction returns four classes: ‘active’ or ‘inactive’ depending on whether or not CHEMBL4300822 is predicted to interact or not with the target. The value returned can also be 'empty' if the model was not able to predict the compound or 'both' if it could not conclude. The predictions are given at three different confidence levels. More information on the methodology is available at:

TargetTarget Pref. NameConfidence 70%Confidence 80%Confidence 90%Activity Threshold
CHEMBL2902Dihydrofolate reductaseemptyactiveboth6
CHEMBL5062Coagulation factor Xemptyemptyempty6.5
CHEMBL1947Thyroid hormone receptor beta-1inactiveinactiveinactive7
CHEMBL2157850Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 7inactiveinactiveinactive6
UniChem Connectivity Layer Cross References for CHEMBL4300822

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