Dissociation constant, pKa of the compound in DMSO at 25 deg...

ID: CHEMBL2064962
Type: Physicochemical
Description: Dissociation constant, pKa of the compound in DMSO at 25 degC
Format: BAO_0000100
Reference: ---
Organism: ---
Strain: ---
Tissue: ---
Cell type: ---
Subcellular Fraction: ---
Target: CHEMBL2362975
Document: CHEMBL2062400
Histogram Settings

0.33 0.67 1 1.33 1.67 2 [57.34, 63.08) [63.08, 68.81) [68.81, 74.55) [74.55, 80.28) [80.28, 86.01) [86.01, 91.75) [91.75, 97.48) [97.48, 103.22) [103.22, 108.95) [108.95, 113.04]
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