Activation of PXR in human LS180 cells assessed as P-gp indu...

ID: CHEMBL3998013
Type: Binding
Description: Activation of PXR in human LS180 cells assessed as P-gp induction by measuring intracellular accumulation of rhodamine 123 preincubated for 48 hrs followed by rhodamine 123 addition after 40 mins and measured after 90 mins by fluorescence assay
Format: BAO_0000219
Reference: ---
Organism: Homo sapiens
Strain: ---
Tissue: ---
Cell type: ---
Subcellular Fraction: ---
Target: CHEMBL3401
Document: CHEMBL3997764
Target: CHEMBL3401 (Pregnane X receptor)
Histogram Settings

0.33 0.67 1 1.33 1.67 2 [332.17, 379.63) [379.63, 427.08) [427.08, 474.53) [474.53, 521.99) [521.99, 569.44) [569.44, 616.89) [616.89, 664.35) [664.35, 711.80) [711.80, 759.25) [759.25, 806.71) [806.71, 822.95]
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