Effective concentration of compound against heat shock prote...

ID: CHEMBL828938
Type: Binding
Description: Effective concentration of compound against heat shock protein HSP90 determined in normal brain cells
Format: BAO_0000219
Reference: ---
Organism: Homo sapiens
Strain: ---
Tissue: ---
Cell type: brain
Subcellular Fraction: ---
Target: CHEMBL3880
Document: CHEMBL1143602
Histogram Settings

0.33 0.67 1 1.33 1.67 2 [359.36, 370.25) [370.25, 381.13) [381.13, 392.02) [392.02, 402.91) [402.91, 413.80) [413.80, 424.69) [424.69, 435.58) [435.58, 446.47) [446.47, 457.36) [457.36, 468.25) [468.25, 471.94]
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