sufA complex

ComplexAc: CPX-2142

Escherichia coli (strain K12); 83333

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Legend Description Stoichiometry
protein - sufA (unspecified role)
Iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein SufA

An Fe-S cluster carrier homodimer that accepts the Fe-S cluster from the SufBCD scaffold protein complex (CPX-2123 [complex], EBI-8805910 [transfer interaction]) and transfers it to the target apo-protein. The Fe-S cluster has a [2Fe-2S] conformation when associated with SufA which can transfer its Fe-S cluster to both [2Fe-2S] and [4Fe-4S] apoproteins. It is a component of the sufABCDSE operon, which is activated and required under specific conditions such as oxidative stress and iron limitation.

GO - Molecular Function (1)

2 iron, 2 sulfur cluster binding


A bridging Fe atom or a Fe–S cluster is accommodated in the interface between the two subunits of the homodimer.



3D Structure

Curated structures (1):

Identifier Qualifier
2d2a identical object in an external resource (MI:0356)

Expression and Cellular Location

GO - Cellular Component (1)

iron-sulfur cluster transfer complex

Additional Information

Further Reading

Identifier Title Author(s)
19366265 Native Escherichia coli SufA, coexpressed with SufBCDSE, purifies as a [2Fe-2S] protein and acts as an Fe-S transporter to Fe-S target enzymes. Gupta V, Sendra M, Naik SG, Chahal HK, Huynh BH, Outten FW, Fontecave M, Ollagnier de Choudens S.
16298366 Crystal structure of Escherichia coli SufA involved in biosynthesis of iron-sulfur clusters: implications for a functional dimer. Wada K, Hasegawa Y, Gong Z, Minami Y, Fukuyama K, Takahashi Y.

Synonyms (1)

sulfur transfer complex SufA

Systematic Name

sufA dimer