
Subtomogram averaging
22.0 Å
EMD-0170 Deposition: 31/07/2018
Map released: 26/09/2018
Last modified: 10/10/2018
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Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


Mature CA domain pentamer from HIV-1 CA-NC Gag proteolytic cleavage mutant virus particles


Subtomogram averaging
22.0 Å
EMD-0170 Deposition: 31/07/2018
Map released: 26/09/2018
Last modified: 10/10/2018
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Human immunodeficiency virus 1, Homo sapiens
Sample: Human immunodeficiency virus 1

Deposition Authors: Mattei S, Tan AWK, Glass B, Mueller B, Kraeusslich HG, Briggs JAG
High-resolution structures of HIV-1 Gag cleavage mutants determine structural switch for virus maturation.
Mattei S , Tan A , Glass B, Muller B , Krausslich HG , Briggs JAG
(2018) PNAS , 115 , E9401 - E9410
PUBMED: 30217893
DOI: doi:10.1073/pnas.1811237115
ISSN: 1091-6490
HIV-1 maturation occurs via multiple proteolytic cleavages of the Gag polyprotein, causing rearrangement of the virus particle required for infectivity. Cleavage results in beta-hairpin formation at the N terminus of the CA (capsid) protein and loss of a six-helix bundle formed by the C terminus of CA and the neighboring SP1 peptide. How individual cleavages contribute to changes in protein structure and interactions, and how the mature, conical capsid forms, are poorly understood. Here, we employed cryoelectron tomography to determine morphology and high-resolution CA lattice structures for HIV-1 derivatives in which Gag cleavage sites are mutated. These analyses prompt us to revise current models for the crucial maturation switch. Unlike previously proposed, cleavage on either terminus of CA was sufficient, in principle, for lattice maturation, while complete processing was needed for conical capsid formation. We conclude that destabilization of the six-helix bundle, rather than beta-hairpin formation, represents the main determinant of structural maturation.